Today I am posting about the inspiration behind the name of my blog and for what I do
The Fit Viking - strange name, but I wanted to name it something that encompasses all that I hope to one day be.
I am inspired by the past. Anything to do with ancient civilizations, vikings, warriors, greek/roman times, etc. Part of me despises modern society and longs for a simpler time. People respected their land and their community because it was crucial to their survival. Sometimes I am guilty of romanticizing about the past, but I definitely realize that while life was simpler it was also harder. We have many modern conveniences today such as good food and water, shelter with climate control, clean clothes, medicine, and not to mention entertainment and leisure activities. Each day I am thankful for these things. But what modern society lacks is the drive to be strong and physically fit unless it is a personal goal. There is no benefit to your social status or your wallet. It benefits your health, but many Americans are much more content with eating junk food and watching tv and then taking pills for their illnesses. Therefore it is an element missing from today's world. And as a result so many people's lives pass by while they waste away, then they hit 40 and wonder what the hell happened. I aim to change that and become fit now, at 26, so I can get out there and do whatever I want. I love the outdoors - simply being outside, taking walks, hiking, kayaking, skiing, swimming, biking, etc. I love watching outdoor/survival TV shows. And if I'm watching something like 300 or Spartacus, it makes me think "Wow, there's no way I could do any of this stuff" Well, why not? Why not become a modern day warrior? I also love anything to do with zombies. And if the zombie apocalypse happens I want to survive! Remember Rule #1 - Cardio? Might sound silly, but these are just some of the things I'm interested in that I draw inspiration from.
Another driving force is my religion. I have been Asatru for 8 years. I am half German - my ancestors came from an area in northwest Germany that was once known as Frisia. I don't think I was ever truly a Christian because it just never seemed right for me. I feel that I have much more in common with the gods of my ancestors than a middle eastern god. In a nutshell, Asatru encourages you to be your best. You may pray to the gods, but it ain't happening unless you get off your ass and work for it. The gods are our teachers, they inspire us to grow and reach our fullest potential. We honor the virtues of strength, courage, honor, discipline, fidelity, self sacrifice, hospitality, industriousness, and perseverance. And unlike Christianity, the physical body is considered to be a part of your soul - because it is the vessel in which you carry out your will on earth. It cannot function properly if it is not taken care of. A thought has been in the back of my mind over the past few years - I don't feel truly 100% Asatru if I'm fat and out of shape. The Norse gods are known for their physical prowess. I aim to become a warrior in order to allow myself to accomplish more, and just become a better and more whole person. Whenever I am pushing myself during a workout, the gods inspire me to go just a little bit longer.
My husband always tells me to "be a viking" and that I have the genetics and physical ability to do it. Well...I do have a large build and my super pale skin gets lobster red any time I But seriously, he's great at inspiring me as well. He is health conscious and loves to be in the gym, so as soon as he is fully recovered from his foot surgery he will be back at it too. He's always been in better shape than me, but who knows, maybe I'll be his equal in a few months ^_^
So. I'm on my way to becoming an in shape viking chick. I seriously can't wait. I've become addicted to fitness. Weird I know... I have never been athletic, but now I am really loving this. It gives me something to strive for.
Side note - owwwwww. This morning I did my cardio/strength workout and it involves things like jumping jacks, shuffles, hopping, and running in place. I think I overdid it on my shins because I also ran yesterday. It hurts bad. But I put ice on it immediately and stretched plenty, so hopefully a day and a half of rest will fix it.
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