Thankful for my health

I've had a thought on my mind the past few days.

Because one thing I have noticed that seems to be extremely prevalent this year is sickness. Yes, it happens every year, and every day even. But this year I just feel like more people I know have been seriously sick. In fact, nearly everyone I know has been sick. My husband has had a couple minor colds. Both my parents have had bronchitis and pneumonia. All of my coworkers and my mother in law have had bronchitis. Facebook friends have been posting about bronchitis and norovirus, families I know have been "sharing the love" with their families over and over again this season. And someone else I know just lost both her parents to pneumonia within 1 month (and get this, they didn't even live in the same state!) It just... seems like everyone but me has been sick. I haven't been sick in 2 years, and I generally don't get sick very often. There was one time a couple weeks ago where the germs tried very hard, but my body ended up fighting it off which just resulted in me feeling tired for a day. In addition, I know of a handful of people who are suffering from other medical problems - possible cancer, or health problems that may end up causing them to lose their job.

I see all of this around me and cannot help but think to myself how fortunate I am. Simply for the fact that I am a healthy individual. Now, I do work for it by exercising and eating (generally) well, but I also feel very lucky that I am able to do these things because I never got sick in the first place. Plenty of people who try to lead healthy lifestyles fall victim to bad circumstances. These days I find myself thinking, not only can I run, jump, swim, do burpees and pushups, but I can do the simple, everyday things that many cannot. Getting out of bed, walking around, breathing unencumbered, being able to work, carrying my groceries, or just having the energy to get through the day. I have been very fortunate and don't plan on taking it for granted. And for the past few days I have just taken the time to stop and think, to thank my Gods, to thank my ancestors for giving me good genes and ushering me into a life where my needs are met. Because there will be days when I am not well. So I take advantage of the days I have been given.

End of thoughtfulness.

This week so far has consisted of a rest day for my back, an early morning body strength training session, and a 3 mile run around the neighborhood this evening. It was the first time in about 3 weeks that I actually wore my watch and got an exact time. Except not really. Halfway through my run I got jumped from behind by 2 dogs! I screamed and practically jumped out of my skin. I had no idea they were coming because I was wearing headphones. It wasn't a big deal or anything, the owner came and got them. But I'd say it took 1-2 minutes off my time. And I finished 3 miles in 27:36, so I kind of have to wonder what it might have been without the dog incident. It was a good run regardless, felt great afterwards.

My husband said something cute. Not only did he say I am becoming a Viking, he also watched me pass by during my run tonight, and thought "Who is that perso-wait, that's my wife!" I still think he's full of crap, but he says he seriously had that thought. Either way, its still cute.

Tomorrow I'll take a day off and just watch what I eat. My weight has been diddling around the upper 160's for the past week. And I totally just made up the word diddling.


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