I woke up early on saturday for Battle of the Colors. It was a color run that was being held at the Army base here. Well, my husband woke up sick. He said everyone at his work was sick on friday and that he felt like he was coming down with it too. He really tried... he got dressed and we were about to go out the door when he said he would just sleep in the truck the entire time. I stopped right there. The last 2 races I've gone to were miserable for him. He had his foot surgery right before Spartan race and was miserable. Then during my race last weekend he got a stomach bug and slept in the car the whole time. I didn't want to drag him out there a third time and put him through all that again. I felt really bad. Ultimately I told him it was his decision, and he ended up going back to bed. I did not go to the race. I realized that this would not be a fun race for me, no matter what I did. If he had gone I would have felt bad for him and guilty for dragging him out while ill once again. I did not want to go by myself. That's just depressing... going to a race by yourself? Well I'm sure lots of people do it and are fine with it, but I'm not one of those people. Especially for a color run, which is more a "fun run" than it is a race. I would not have had fun if I was out there by myself and he was home sick. For a bit of backstory, we are not like most married couples. We literally do everything together, and have done so for the 10 years we've been together. We are best friends and do everything as a team. He has been very supportive of me and come out to all these races despite going through two surgeries, both of which made him unable to run for several months. It's been hard for him. I can only ask so much of him. And I know I should have gone out there and raced for myself, but I also knew in my heart I would have been sad. I wouldn't have put my heart into it. It would not have been fun for me.
I was in a pretty bad mood yesterday because of all this. The situation just sucked all around. But eventually he started feeling better so we did go for a little walk around our neighborhood since it was such a nice day ouside. We ran a few errands and got some lunch. I stopped by a store called Uptown Cheapskate - you can sell them your clothes and get name brand stuff for cheap. Yep. Traded in my FAT CLOTHES!!! You don't get a ton of money for your clothes, and they only take "fashionable" or name brand items which are in good condition. But what else would I do with them, give them away? Better to get a small amount of money for them. I didn't shop a whole lot, to avoid putting my husband through the agony of shopping. But I did pick up a pair of shorts and a Under Armor tank top that I'm amazed was even in that store. I tried on a pair of shorts in a size 28 and they fit! Crazy! I'll have to go back and get more shorts since I obliterated my shorts wardrobe.
So for today... I decided to go do a 5.5 mile run since I missed out on my race yesterday. The weather was PER-FECT! 65, partly cloudy, breezy, beautiful day! I was enjoying my run when suddenly, about a mile in, I got hit with a horrible side cramp that went all up the left side of my torso. This never happens to me. I did get side cramps when I first started running, but none since then and none this intense. Still, I had to run on. I am a Spartan - I run through the pain! When I got to the hill I took a walk break hoping the cramp would go away if I walked for a bit. It did. And then my right side cramped up. This one was a thousand times worse than the left. I had to walk again. Every time a foot hit the ground I felt horrible pain in my right side. I was literally limping and clutching my stomach. This was too much. I had to call it because I literally could not run any more. I have no idea where the stupid cramp came from, and I'm mad at it for thwarting my run. But I guess these things happen...
I came back home and ended up doing yoga. I needed to do some sort of exercise today and I figured it would be good to stretch out my entire body - crampy abs included. The yoga session actually went very well and I felt great afterwards. My husband and I took another walk on this beautiful day, and I got my housework done. So at least I can say I got some stuff accomplished during this weekend of setbacks.
And of course, this happened.
Yoga cat! She is so silly. Every time I do any type of workout at home she always gets curious and rubs up against me.
Tomorrow I'm going to do something a little different. We have P90X (that is the yoga program I use) and I will be doing the plyometrics workout tomorrow. It's something I want to start doing every now and again in addition to my training. I figure it will help me for anything I do in fitness, especially obstacle races - and Warrior Dash is coming in 2 weeks! Gotta get ready.