So I've been gradually increasing my activity over the past few weeks and it's been pretty successful. I'm running anywhere from 5-8 miles a week, practicing yoga again, and now I'm back to strength training too. Still working on my tight right hip - but I'm no longer in constant pain and it doesn't hurt to do everyday things like pushing a shopping cart or vacuuming. Progress is good.

And now that we're through with all the birthdays and halloweens, I'm officially on a quest to lose some weight. Unfortunately I've put on about 1 pound per month of inactivity (so that's 6 pounds) but now that I'm active again it's time to lose all that!

Starting weight - 162

Goal weight - 155. Then we'll see where I go from there

I think my BMI is still normal for 5'8" but I haven't measured it yet

Here's what's gonna happen...
  • Tracking calories daily
  • Exercise 5-6 days a week
  • Making myself meet a deadline - weigh ins on wednesdays
I allow myself some exceptions on weekends but other than that I'll be sticking to this pretty tight. If I don't then it's never gonna happen

Weight loss isn't fun... sometimes it feels like I'm starving and I start craving everything in sight. But it should only be for a few weeks. After that I can eat for maintenance, just as long as I stay active, which I have every intention of doing


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