Taking a break from running

Yes. Sad to say it is so. I'm still struggling with this hamstring issue. Again, not really painful, just tight and limiting the range of motion in my left leg.

My strategy is to take 2 weeks off from running and see if that helps. I'm also icing it a lot and using moist heat when I can. I am foam rolling my lower body a lot to loosen up any tight muscles that might be impacting the lower hamstring. Finally I'm working more on strengthening my legs/lower body. Did a lot of lifting this week plus I spent some time on the hamstring curl machine. Also doing some yoga to take the place of running. I'm stretching the muscle very seldomly and if I do it's gentle stretching.

It's been about a week and I am feeling better but not 100%. I just hope this doesn't flare up again when I do return to running.


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