It was cool because I think soon I can up to 45's for my dumbbell bench. Then I went over to the rack to do some push presses. I have been working with 5 reps at #85. Today it seemed just a little easy so I threw some 25's on there which made the bar 95 lbs.
It was all going good but then as I was lowering the bar on the last rep I felt a twinge in my left shoulder. Wasn't terribly painful, just kind of like "Oh, something happened back there!" kind of a feeling. So this is a PR for me, I haven't tried to max out on these yet but I think next week I'll try to get 105 over my head
So went to my massage and it wasn't as crazy painful as last time. We worked on my back and legs - tight quads, IT bands, hips, calves, the works. I got Biofreeze put on too which was awesome. Later this afternoon my shoulder REALLY started to hurt. I lied down, took some Ibuprofen and we put the heated blanket under my shoulders to warm up the muscle. After describing it to my husband he concludes it's just a pull and says it's happened to him like 20 times. Never happened to me with my shoulder before. It freaking hurts! But the good news is he thinks it'll be gone in 2-3 days if I rest.
Also, this is pretty cool. Found this article called "Are you Strong?" and the answer appears to be yes in most cases! I fall into the good or between good and great for most things. I don't do all the exercises listed/or have not tried to do that many reps in one sitting. But for the big lifts and major things I focus on, I'm doing pretty damn good for coming up on my first full year of lifting.