
Ever since I had my full body deep tissue massage last Friday I have been sore as crap. The soreness from the massage itself lasted about 3 days, then I went to the gym and now I'm sore from that!

I noticed the massage has improved my range of motion in certain places. I can squat deeper. And today I'm sore in different places, I know I've been more quad dominant in the past but the massage must have allowed me to utilize my hamstrings and adductors more because they are sore as crap for the first time in a long time. Then I ran on my sore legs yesterday and made it worse. It's like I'm brand new to lifting all over again.

So I skipped the gym this morning. Then I got to work and my manager is like "I want you to lift a bunch of giant boxes full of shoes up onto some tall shelves!" And I'm like "CAN DO!" but man did it just make my back even more sore!

Still - not gonna let it stop me from running tomorrow.


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