Up to date Squat PR

Since my injury in December and return to general lifting in January, I've been lifting heavy for the past month. On a whim this morning I decided to test my 1 rep max on squats. For weeks I've been working from 135 up to 155 for sets of 5 reps. And I knew that last year I managed to pull off 175 twice. Since I'm pushing close to that weight for reps I figured it was time to see what I could get up to.

Warm up with 115 or something
135 x 5
185 x 1. Too easy.
Which brings us to...

205 x 1!
Getting the bar back up was hard. Amazing what difference an extra #20 makes. I probably could have hit this weight awhile ago but I hadn't really tried. Looking back at today I kinda wished I had tested my push press and bench too. I can probably get 100 on the push press which would be kinda awesome to have 100 lbs over my head... Bench I could probably get 130 ish. For the next 2 weeks I am going to deload, then up my weight on most of the lifts and test all my 1RM's again (except maybe deadlift) 

I also did sled pushes - soooo brutal, bench (#45 dumbbells) push press #85, push ups, overhead kettlebell carries, then some other jumping/burpee/snatches to utterly exhaust myself :)


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