So we had a sit down the other day and he told me how much he really likes his job here. He feels like if he left for something else he'd never be able to get back to the point he is at right now. It seems the best choice is indeed to stay here.
I also had something rather interesting come up. Last week the manager at my gym, out of nowhere, asked me if I was interested in being a trainer. !?!? I didn't really know what to say, and at the time my husband hadn't interviewed for the TX position yet. But now that we are staying around here I told her I wanted to learn more about it. I am going to talk to the head trainer to get the details.
It seems several forces compel us to stay here. So we're gonna save up some money (because closing costs are ridiculous here) and purchase a house sometime in the next few months.
New opportunities in a new home, can't wait!
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