XTerra Hickory Knob 7.2 mile Trail Race

I completed my first trail race today!

This morning we headed out dark and early, up to South Carolina for the XTerra Hickory Knob Races. The drive was about an hour, and unfortunately my husband had stomach issues this morning and we had to stop at a semi-creepy gas station at 6 in the morning for restrooms and Pepto. Lucky for us my race didn't start until later on, and since the weather was ugly they were pushing it back some anyways.

I don't really have any pictures from this race. And here is why.


Weather Channel said LIGHT RAIN starting at about 9:30-10 am. Nope. It was pouring when we arrived at 7:30.

I stressed about how to dress for this race. I knew there was a big storm system moving through the south and that the temps would be in the 40's. But here is my dilemma. This winter I held off on buying any serious cold weather running gear because I knew I was going to be losing 30-40 lbs. I had a few pairs of old gym pants (just the standard loose fitting kind, not leggings designed for running) and I figured I could just get through the winter in those, then buy the serious gear next year when I know what my final size will be like. I did manage to get one pair of running tights on sale for $17, but they ride down so badly it's ridiculous. I can't wear those at all anymore. So, shorts it was. Running shorts, short sleeve top, running jacket. Based on previously mentioned weather report, I figured that a little light rain in 45-50 degree weather would be ok, and that I would be done racing by the time the serious rain hit the area. I was way wrong, and so was that damn forecast!

I froze my ass off out there. This was a very small race that was organized by a handful of people, so it took them a little while to set up. Then there was the 3.4 mile race, and we had to wait for that to finish since some of the people were running the 7.2 as well. Everyone was shivering, even the people dressed warmly! People backed out of the race. One lady I was standing next to just said "I'm not doing this", got in her car and left. For a moment I seriously wanted to. I didn't want to be cold and soaked for 7 miles. Both my husband and I were having a bad morning. But that was PRECISELY the reason I had to do it! I had to get out there, run this race, and try my damnedest, because otherwise we would have had a crappy morning, lost $50, lost 2 hours of driving and gas money, and our time - all for nothing. I would have felt ashamed of myself for giving up, and the thought of what could have been would have haunted me. So I lined up with the other shivering racers, and off we went.

I thought to myself - this isn't a big race. Maybe I could place in my age group if I push hard enough. That became my new goal. Go home with a medal.

I started off pretty strong. In the middle of the pack. I passed some people and some people passed me. Eventually after about 2 miles I was sandwiched between a few people off in the distance. Then the ones ahead of me eventually faded from sight. But there were still racers close behind me. The rain poured the whole time. My hands and feet were frozen, I could barely feel them. It took about 4 miles for me to truly warm up, but that didn't change the fact that I was soaking wet and my clothes were cold. So it was my body constantly fighting my soaking wet clothes, trying to keep itself warm. I realized that the gym pants I had wouldn't have helped one bit, they would have just been soggy flappy pieces of fabric around my legs, weighing me down. (Running tights #1 on my list for next winter!!!)

The course would have been beautiful on a good day. It was called Lakeview, which is exactly what it was. The trail was on a hillside bordering the Strom Thurmond reservoir. I couldn't really appreciate how pretty it was, since rain was falling in my face and eyes and I could barely see. Maybe I should also get a hat with a brim. Around mile 3.5 I slowed to a jog to eat some energy chews just to prevent my hypoglycemia from ruining my day. The racers that were on my heels passed me. Black jacket guy and Purple/lilac jacket girl. I had to pass them. I absolutely could not let them beat me. And once I finished eating it became apparent I was faster, so I took the first opportunity to pass them when the trail widened up enough. Mile 5.5 is where things got hard for me. This part of the course was alot of uphill, and I was tired. My legs wanted to give up - they were still sore from thursday's workout. Purple jacket girl passed me again during this time (there was no sign of Black jacket guy, he appeared to have fallen back quite a ways) I chatted with her a bit, then saw that we had just hit mile 6. I had to push out this last mile and finish strong. This chick could have been in my age group - I couldn't let her beat me! I just wanted to be done - out of the cold, warm and dry! And there was the finish line, with Purple jacket girl well behind me. 1:08 (forgot how many seconds) 9:26 per mile. I finished 13th overall. Not bad for my first trail race, and the longest distance I have run to date.

I scrambled to get out of my soaking wet clothes (in the driver's seat of my car) thankfully I had dry sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt with me. No help for my muddy, soaked shoes however. Chatted with what ended up being the first place female in 25-29 age group, a girl from my area who is in the Air Force. Then, after waiting around in the cold for the awards...

I won second place for the 25-29 females!
I know it wasn't a big race, but a little ego boost is always good. There are so many runners in the Augusta area that I would never win a medal at any races around there!

Despite the sucky weather, I had alot of fun and I'm glad I did this race. I do love trail running. This was a chance to challenge myself at a type of race I hadn't tried before, and we discovered a possible future camping and hiking destination. I pushed myself hard at this race. I refused to let the rain and cold deter me. I could have backed down, but I got out there and did my absolute best. And I am stronger for it.

After returning home to soak in a warm bath and get into dry clothes, we headed out for some much deserved lunch. My husband was feeling better and in a cheery mood. Of course, THE SUN CAME OUT RIGHT WHEN WE GOT HOME. Figures. Lol

We also got these!

I have been wanting to go to this place, and I figured a day when I run a 7.2 mile trail run would be best. Calories don't count on race day! I like to tell myself that.

And finally, I now fit into my size 6 jeans!

I bought these last November. They wouldn't even close back then. I didn't think they could possibly ever fit me, and now they do! Comfortably!


Anonymous said...

Great read, Congrats on the age group win :) I'm glad I came across another blogger :)

Karen {Run. Lift. Conquer} said...

Thanks! It's good to meet you :)

Goal of Losing said...

Way to go, Karen!!!

P.S. I want one of those cupcakes :)

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