Is it really working???

I almost feel hesitant to post this. Because I feel like for the past 6 months, every time I started to notice an improvement in my symptoms the pain would always come back with a vengeance and prove me wrong.

However, I feel like (and hope) that this is different.

I've been working on hip openers and stretches with my husband. He's great at this stuff. In another life he could have been a yoga master. I've noticed improvement during the last 2 weeks, but what really seems to have helped almost instantly was the yoga I did on sunday.

This is the same yoga video I did for 3 months prior to the onset of all the pain. I attempted to keep doing it, but I would always get to certain stretches that made it hurt. At the time I had no idea what I was dealing with. The pain seemed to be in my lower back, so I was thinking I probably had a back problem that could potentially be serious. So I thought pain = bad, and any time I got myself into a pose that hurt I just flat out didn't do it. After awhile I gave up yoga and all other activity completely.

But on sunday I decided to just do the whole thing and see what happened. I pushed myself through the painful poses. The triangles, right angles, warrior 3's, standing splits, and half moons. All the warrior poses gave me some grief. I was sore for about an hour afterward, then all of a sudden - no pain. I haven't had any pain since then aside from some brief morning soreness. Not even any tightness when I stick my right hip out and bend to the left - a move that always felt tight and painful.

Tonight I went for a 2 mile run and it was really good. No tightness or pain in my hip like there has always been. My abdominal cramp was there, but instead of a sharp run-stopping pain it was more like a constant ache, something I could at least run through. We did more stretching afterward which left me a little sore, but now there's not really any pain to report.

I'm going to keep doing all of this religiously and hope this really is my ticket to recovery


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