30 burpees, 30 days


I'm here on a wednesday night, feeling quite sore

I started the 30 burpees, 30 days challenge ...put on by who? Spartan Race of course!

Burpees and I aren't friends. I did many of them in the weeks leading up to my Spartan sprint back in march. But it was never enough!! At my Spartan sprint I failed 4 obstacles, so that's 120 burpees. I did every damn one of those burpees. Can't do 30 in a row... I can do maybe 15 before I have to take a break. On that day I took many many breaks.. but I did every single burpee, unlike some who cheat. However, my goal is to be able to do more of them and take breaks less often. One day I'd like to be able to do 30 in a row. And with a trifecta in my dreams for 2014, being able to do 30 in a row would really help me out. Or at least being able to do more without tiring so quickly would suffice.

So the deal is pretty simple - you do 30 burpees a day for 30 days. EVERY DAY! I'm on day 3 and on top of the 90 burpees, I've also run 2 miles and completed a pretty killer full body workout. Today I didn't do anything because I did all my grocery shopping and didn't get home until 7:30. The plan for this week is run 2 tomorrow, strength friday, run 3.5 saturday, and yoga on sunday. And do burpees.

I'm noticing some slight body definition changes in the 2 months that I've been active again. My PCOS has also been better and I'm really hoping it stays that way. It's amazing what exercise can do for you. And if it's one of those days where I just don't feel like it, I just make myself get off my ass and do it anyway. The one thing I tell myself is - who has ever completed a workout and said "Man, I really regret doing that!" NOBODY! Because you feel GREAT afterwards!


Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

That is a lot of burpees in 30 days! I love burpees unless I have to do too many of them and then we start to not be friends.

Karen {Run. Lift. Conquer} said...

The only thing I really like about them is the fact that they're a great total body worker. I find it hard to do more than 15 in a row. They get my heart racing and I just have to take a break :(

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