It's finally happened

Boom. Sick for the first time all winter.

I don't get sick too often. But I feel like when I do I always get the worst of the worst. In recent years the only colds I've had were bronchitis a couple times, pneumonia once, and whatever this mess is that's taken me out of the game for the past 5 days. Made it all winter without getting sick - until now.

It started Saturday morning with a slightly sore throat, and it just happened to be my long run day so I went out and did it. In hindsight probably not the best thing I could have done, but I didn't know this would be the result. Sunday I woke up with no voice. Throat felt like it was full of broken glass. I felt fine otherwise, but there was no way I could go to work and talk to people for 10 hours when I could barely even make a sound. It stayed about the same for a couple days, then yesterday a fever got thrown into the mix and it's made me want to do nothing but lie down all day. Sleep has been hard to come by, even with large amounts of Nyquil I'm just so damn uncomfortable. I did go to the doctor on Monday, he wasn't really sure what I have but gave me antibiotics because he was concerned it would turn into mono - not really sure why? Whatever it is it sucks.

At least my cat has kept me company through this ordeal.

Cat selfie!

Today I am finally starting to see a little improvement. I have 2 short shifts at work to make up for all the time I missed, but exercise wise I am taking the whole week off and maybe running a little on Saturday.

Snowy and Sh***y

That's what today's run was. (It sounds bad but it's really not)

The weather's been great lately except for a random snow we got yesterday morning. Last night my throat started feeling dry and this morning I woke up with no voice! Not sure if it's a weather change thing or if I'm about to get sick. If it is a cold, bravo to me for taking so long to get sick this winter.

It wasn't enough to stop me from running 10 miles however.

My run went great aside from the bridges being covered in slushy wet snow. It slowed me down a bit and was quite annoying. As for the other part of my title? Well I guess because it's officially spring now, the animals have come out of hibernation.... and they are pooping everywhere. Deer poop everywhere. And down by the 2 lakes on my trail there was tons of bird shit, not to mention some jerk who didn't clean up after his dog. I almost stepped in a fresh dog deuce, then shortly after I passed the guy and his dog and had to fight the urge to mouth off at him about it.

You can bet my eyes were pretty much fixated on the ground the whole time between dodging turds and trying not to slip in the snow.

Recently I have come to realize I prefer long distance running over short. For a couple reasons. I can relax and let my mind wander. Once I find that "forever pace" I feel like I can just keep going forever. Short runs kind of suck, I go faster and it's much more uncomfortable. I count down the tenths of a mile because I can't wait for it to be over. But I feel great AFTER. Getting faster always makes me feel proud, plus I get a nice runner's high after these runs.

I didn't dress right for this run, it felt colder than I expected it to so I was freezing for most of it. That was remedied with a nice warm lunch and coffee at Panera. Now I'm fighting the urge to nap... the nap might win..

Newton Kismet

Last week I was trying on shoes in an effort to find a stability shoe that still lets me mid/forefoot strike. Recently I learned I should be in a stability shoe, my right ankle overpronates a bit too much and it's probably the cause of some ankle and foot pain I've been feeling. I heard about the Newtons and how they are supposed to promote foot striking. So I tried them on.

Newton shoes have "lugs" on the bottom.    ...................

My first thoughts from just standing in the shoes were that the lugs made the shoe feel really weird. Standing around and walking in them felt very strange. But as soon as I started my little trial run around the room I instantly loved them. It feels like the lugs help "spring" my foot forward. Pushing off feels easier. The shoe itself is also really comfy. The upper is a soft, breathable mesh like material. No uncomfortable hard plastics or stitching. I got a half size up, so 9.5 regular width. I am inbetween a regular and a wide so I often have trouble with shoes feeling too narrow, but not these. They feel perfect. That said, I would ONLY use these for running. I don't think they are meant to be walked in because of the lugs. It's certainly not a comfortable shoe for walking.

Also I love the way these shoes look - always a plus!

Run #1
Starting off I noticed some looseness in the heels, but this is a very common problem for me. I have wide feet yet narrow heels at the same time... heel slippage and blistering has always been an issue. No worries, if it continues I can most likely solve it with a lace lock as I have done before. In the first mile my feet felt a bit tingly where the lugs are, I think this is just a matter of adjusting to them because I have not worn any shoe like this before. Running in them felt great. The lugs really seem to aid in the push off. I feel "faster" in them. Unfortunately this was not a good test run because we still have patches of ice on the trails and I had to stop several times. This run was only 3 miles and I planned on it being 4. 

Run #2
Did the lace lock before even heading out the door to see if it felt better around my heels - and it did. No worries though as I have to do this with about 50% of my shoes. This run felt really good, except once again about 1.5 miles in my feet started to go numb where the lugs are. But then the numbness went away after 5 minutes or so. At this point I'm still hesitant to take these out on a run longer than 3-4 miles.

Run #3
This was a 5k tempo run. My feet felt fine, I feel like I'm getting more and more used to these shoes each time I use them. Noticed the numbness again but it was for like 1 minute tops and then it went away.

I think these shoes will be a keeper. At this point I'm gonna use them for my 3-4 mile runs. This is more of a performance shoe, but if I end up with good results I may start using them for longer distances.

I wanna go fast!

I have finally quit stalling and signed up for some races already!!

Officially down for the DOG Street 5k in Williamsburg this April. It's high time I run a race in my home town, so I'll head down there for a day or 2 to run it and hang out with my parents who will hopefully be there to witness the race too. It might be an ugly one - such is the nature of 5k's - cause I'd like to PR, but it'll be interesting because I haven't had the chance to really train for speed.

Also signed up for the Hot Chocolate 15k in Philly. I missed it last year in Atlanta and was bummed about that, so I'm happy to finally be able to do it. Because I haven't been to Philly in my adult life and I am not good at getting around cities, I did the smart thing and booked a hotel. Already planned out my parking and bus routes too. I'll have tons of chocolate at the race and I'm definitely gonna get a nice cheese steak while I'm in town. The race is in 2 weeks

This morning I was feeling quite sore so I spent some time soaking in the tub with some of this stuff

Found it at my grocery store - it smells so nice! A bit pricy so we'll see how many uses I get out of it, or I may just go back to straight epsom salt.

A few hours after my bath I went out for today's run. I was going to run 4 miles at a moderately challenging pace. But instead I went for some 5k practice because I had just signed up for the race and spent all morning regretting my lack of speed training. I haven't run a 5k for speed in a long time, plus my legs are sore from Tuesday so the plan was just to go out there and do my best.

I didn't pace myself well for this run and it got ugly during the last mile. Felt like I was about to lose my lunch! Came in at 27:10. Still got a ways to go if I'm to beat 25:42, but not bad for the first attempt. 1 month to go, plenty of time to work on it.

I feel as though I have earned some food - so it's time to chill on the couch, eat, and watch movies!

Leg Tuesday

I am working alot of hours this week and still adjusting to being on my feet all day, kneeling/squatting down repeatedly. Maybe that's why yesterday I overslept and missed my alarm to wake up and go to the gym? That means one of these days is gonna be a double- lifting and running.

So it's Tuesday, and due to yesterday's missed leg day...

Alright alright alllriiiight!!!

Yes I did. I can't squat alot of weight yet, only 135 for 5 sets of 5. But it was still more than the boys (and 1 other girl) in my gym today! Yeaaah. Sorry, I get a little competitive sometimes. I also upped my weight in hip thrusts and barbell lunges.

It was a pretty sick workout so I dropped by Starbucks for a sandwich to tide me over while I grocery shopped. Also treated myself to the Tiramisu latte - don't bother, it tastes like chemicals. What a waste.

This week I am helping out with some stuff at work and will have late nights for the next 3 days. I will most likely be very tired but I'm gonna make it happen in the gym this week, no matter how ugly I might feel. Lately the weather has been beautiful so I have been enjoying my time outside, and can't wait to run in it!

Rainy day running

9 miles this morning. And this time I didn't have to do it on the treadmill! All the snowy icy shit is gone. Today it was actually raining but I don't mind. I came prepared!

I had a few people come into my work this week who were running the Rock N Roll half in DC. I wanted to do it too but my training just wasn't there. Anywho, said customers were asking me what I recommend for running in the rain.

Running hat with a brim - BIG! It's one you don't really think of until you're out there and realize you can't see because rain is hitting you in the face. Keeps your head dry too. This is my #1 most important item to run with in the rain.
Tops - This depends on the runner. I get stupid hot when I run so I prefer a tech shirt. On a cloudy, rainy day like today I went with a long sleeve. But if it's say 55 or 60 degrees and rainy I would have gone with a short sleeve. For the fortunate ones who aren't a hot mess when they run, you could go with a lightweight waterproof jacket if staying dry is important to you. Just choose something that won't be too hot later on in your run. Personally unless it's pouring, I don't mind getting wet because I'm already gonna be sweaty.
Bottoms - Again this one is kind of a personal preference. With today's temps capris worked well for me. There were alot of puddles which splashed water up to my shins, so for those wanting to keep their shins covered I'd recommend tights or knee high socks.
Socks - Moisture wicking, synthetic material.
Other - Keep your gear covered if you're not sure about it's waterproof-ness. I put a ziplock bag around my phone before putting it into my belt. My long sleeve shirt kept my watch dry, if not for that I would have probably wrapped the face in plastic wrap or something.

It was a nice run... got to go further than I have ever been before on this trail system and discovered a really cool dock that is actually part of the trail, so I got to run across it for a bit. Also got to a swampy area with a couple steady flowing creeks, I really liked it because there were no houses or buildings around. It felt more like that remote, backwoods running I did in GA/SC. Today I did tape up my knee cause it's been bugging me the last couple days. My doctor said it seemed normal to her but next week I am going to look into seeing an orthopedist for another opinion.

It feels good to be getting my mileage back up there again. Compared to last year I am actually slightly faster on a more difficult route. The canal was 100% flat, not even one hill. My new route is mostly flat with occasional small to medium size hills.

Now I'm quite tired and in need of snacks. It's funny how running can make every muscle in your body feel sore. In addition to the muscles used while running, my back is also nice and sore because I just moved it around for an hour and a half. Yesterday was back day and I did a whole mess of pull ups.

Excuse me while I eat these. They are crack.

Finish it!

So. I've been lifting heavy for about a month and a half. Feels like it's been a lot longer! I'm already seeing some nice results

(.. I need that barbell)

My workouts consist of my primary heavy lift for the day (squat, deadlift, or bench) for 5 sets of 5, then 5-7 "accessory" lifts which are more like 70-80% of my 1 rep max for 3 sets of 10.

Now I am beginning to add "finishers" to the end of my workouts. This is just something to use the last little bit of energy left in the tank. I often use kettlebells because they get me sweating and my heart rate soaring. I'm also adding mandatory burpees, as many as I can do for one set. I did this last year at my old gym to prepare for the Spartan Super/Beast, because you don't want to go to a Spartan and be rusty on your burpees. I will be doing at least 2 of them this year (Hopefully also the Beast, working out logistics on that) so I gotta be ready for 'dem burpees.

Here are some finishers I am or will be using. Most or all of them are total body exercises.


  • Swings
  • Clean and press
  • Turkish Get Ups (these WILL finish you!)
Box, Squat, or Tuck Jumps
Medicine ball slams
Jump Rope
Dumbbell Snatches and Thrusters

Using 1-2 finishers after a weight lifting session leaves me sweating, breathing heavy, and just plain finished!

I have improved!

No long run for me this weekend, on Friday's run I was experiencing some pain in my left leg so I thought it best not to attempt to run 9 miles. Instead I played Borderlands 3 with my husband for much of the weekend. Love the "Deadlift" and "his lieutenant, Squat" references in that game.

Speaking of deadlifts - they've been quite a challenge for me. Only today did I feel like I finally made a breakthrough. Used the same weight, but this time it felt much easier. The first time I did them I felt it in my lower back during the entire lift. Not pain, more like a muscle soreness. Found it strange that I felt it so intensely during the lift. I wasn't sure how normal this was, and especially with it being the lower back which is something you don't wanna mess around with. Did some research, learned that this does happen to many people, but I also tweaked my form just a tiny bit (thinking maybe I was keeping my hips too low at the start of the lift). Now I have also come to realize I wasn't doing enough to work my lower back muscles. They were most likely pretty weak.


Hips too low
Lower back weakness

= Deadlift problems

Today I am feeling very little soreness in my lower back. Yay for progress!

In conclusion - if you ever feel any soreness, pain, or any sensation that doesn't feel right - stop and investigate. Get a buddy to check your form, do some research, then once your form is corrected give it another shot. Each time you do the lift you should feel slightly stronger in those muscles.

I did alot of kettlebell work today... I think my favorite is kettlebell cleans. They're just fun.

My lower body is starting to come along nicely. The pancake ass is filling in 

Dat Butt. Also notice - I have TRAPS!! And I love my new tank top :)

I have always had a larger upper body. My arms have historically had alot of fat on them, but even now as I lean out my broad shoulders are even more evident. Kind of like Floki from the show Vikings. He's a skinny dude but man does he have some broad shoulders. Makes sense, I have Viking DNA.

Finally - IT"S SO NICE OUTSIDE! Running outside tomorrow for the first time in forever. Even if it rains, I don't give a damn cause it'll be in the 40's!

Snow Day in March

It's another snow day here, just kind of hanging out and being extra lazy. My stomach was off yesterday and last night I had a nasty bout with some indigestion. Yay for shot glasses full of vinegar? This morning I am very tired.. and sore from this week's workouts!

Monday began with leg day. And a sight for sore eyes...

45 lb plates. On that bar. Finally! 135 lb squats 5 sets of 5. No, it's not really alot of weight to most people, but I have only been squatting heavy for about a month now. Less than that really, I alternate with deadlifts so I squat every other week. My next goal is to get 135 deadlifts - these have been trickier for me but I think I can get it in the next 1-2 tries.

I also did single leg Romanian deadlifts on Monday. It's been a little bit since I did these and my hamstrings are still pissed beyond belief.

I got my 3 mile run in at the gym on Tuesday, tried to go outside but it was still too icy.

Yesterday was back day. Lately I have not been feeling challeneged enough on back day, so I've resolved myself to work harder on pull ups. Did 10 sets of 3 with the band, plus 3 negatives. Also added various rows and back extensions to the mix. Some "bro" who appeared to be muscular/in good shape, clad in a backwards cap and a tshirt that had the word "swag" on it was on the cable curl acting ridiculous, grunting like he was lifting a thousand pounds but he was only lifting 15. Seriously dude? That instantly became my bicep exercise for the day. I can curl 25 lbs quietly. What the hell man?
Also got my wide grip lat pulldown on at 70 lbs. I'm feeling it in my back today!

Maybe it's good I am snowed in today. Between soreness and yesterday's upset stomach my body could really use a rest day. Hopefully I can get out of my driveway tomorrow to double it up with my chest workout and a run.

That's more like it

Last weekend I had a not so awesome running experience. Felt like shit through most of it, almost felt like I had to stop which never happens to me!

Yesterday was so much better!

On Friday I couldn't help myself and used the sauna. Made sure to drink lots of water with Nuun to make up for it. Saturday morning I started back on my old breakfast of an english muffin and egg white sandwich. This was always my go to breakfast for long runs. I even added an extra bowl of oatmeal to see if it would help me feel better. Took a bottle of ice water and Skratch powder and 1 gel for this run.

So much better. I think I really needed the extra carbs, plus I knew I was hydrated, and I had ice water to help keep me cool. My legs felt stiff and tired for the first couple miles but eventually warmed up and stopped bothering me. Energy wise I felt awesome. I went for 8 miles when I only planned on 7.5. Average pace 10:32. I had NO post run headache/migraine, which really makes me think my doctor was right about it being a blood sugar issue. 

My face wasn't so horribly reddish purple this time!

I love how I'm at the point where I can run 8 miles and not have a trace of soreness the next day. My knee isn't bothering me either. Unfortunately it still makes me tired as hell at an early hour and I couldn't stay awake past 9:30 last night. So today I'm taking my scheduled rest day.

My training is in a good place so far. I have plenty of time before my first half marathon of the year - Flying Pirate. I have been wanting to run this for awhile and now that I live slightly closer, I'm going for it. It's in Outer Banks, NC which is an island about 2 hours from my hometown. I have been going there for years and it's one of my favorite places on earth. It's only right that I run there! I plan on doing the Double Dare Challenge - 5k on Satuday and half on Sunday. My husband is accompanying me so he can spend some time on his beloved fishing pier, but not sure what he's gonna catch in April. I hope this can be the first half I run uninjured and can set a goal for time, maybe 2:15? 

I woke up this morning and wanted breakfast. My husband was kind enough to snap this picture of me. The breakfast was mediocre and not really worth it, but we had a fun time anyway.

Adios, until next time..