It's Monday and I'm off today, primarily to take care of some doctor stuff. I've had this mysterious pain on the left side of my chest for a few months now. I had an ultrasound and chest x ray. Breast tissue looks fine so it must be something with my sternum, so I'm waiting for the results to come back. I had my heart looked at separately and everything looked fine there. The pain isn't bad, I'm really just trying to make sure there isn't a larger problem here. I recently found out through Facebook that one of my middle school friends who is also 29 has breast cancer. Can't be too careful.
It took forever because they were trying to contact my Dr. to confirm something... so when I finally got out of there I went to the gym to do some lifting. I was feeling good because while I don't have an answer yet, we pretty much ruled out breast cancer. So I got to the gym and Sarah (manager) and Scott (instructor) were like "Come do the 12:00 class!" Uhh hmm... well today I was really just gonna lift, and I don't have my shirt. I ended up warming up on the row machine, chatting with another gym regular, busting out some deadlifts and pull ups, and then I jumped into the class. Sarah loaned me a shirt... but it was just a little too small...
Yeah, this happened. It was either this or the whole class has to do burpees because someone's not in uniform. Other than it being too short it was just tight on my shoulders.
Today's class was interesting. The first station was a mini obstacle course. He had plyo boxes with pvc pipes set into them, 2 different heights. The higher obstacle was to be low crawled under, the lower one was jumped over. 2 sets of these, then some agility ladder stuff, and bear crawl back to the beginning. Then sled pushes. I love sled pushes, but after about 3 of them they start to suck the energy out of you. Third station was with dumbbells - push up, renegade row, into a thruster. Then we had some overhead ball slams coupled with ball leg raises. Last station was another killer - kettlebell swings with Romanian deadlifts. There were other cardio and core drills mixed in there too. I think the sled push was the toughest thing today, as much as I love pushing heavy stuff, and as decent as I am at it, it just totally drains me. Still, I was able to keep the momentum going today and performed really well in my opinion.
I have quite a busy week coming up so it's going to be alot of early morning runs and gym sessions. Bring it on..
It's too small
Posted by
Karen {Run. Lift. Conquer}
on Monday, March 21, 2016
strength training
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