Run in the darkness!


I'm not sure what happened during my 2 days off... possibly deviation from my sleep schedule + too much sugar, but I felt crappy yesterday and I have a pretty killer headache today. Nevertheless I did my 2 miles after work. It was rainy and WINDY! Holy crap! The glass windchime on my front porch is tinkling around in the wind, a sound I am not used to hearing in windless East Georgia. This definitely affected my speed for tonight, as I was running uphill and straight into the wind. Also I had no idea how to use the backlight on my new watch! This was my first non daylight run with the watch, and the streetlights in my neighborhood weren't really enough to see my watch. So I really had no idea what my pace was and I thought I was going faster than I really was. Oh well. I figured out how to turn on the light for the next run - you have to tap the face of the watch. And tap is kind of an understatement really, you have to hit it kind of hard!

I ordered a couple pairs of compression socks. I don't have any yet but I will need them as I start running 7, 8, 9+ mile long runs. I picked up a bright green pair from Pro Compression, and I also couldn't resist this cute black pair with blue polka dots from Bondi Band. They have a bunch of printed ones, so maybe if these socks work well I'll grab some more pairs of those. Speaking of colors... recently I've realized that I lean towards certain colors when it comes to my running gear. I'm a dark colors girl... blacks, greys, purples, and BLUE. I think blue is my running color. I like any shade of blue. I do also however like a little bit of lime green here and there - only small amounts of orange, red, and maybe pink. I'm not much of a girly girl, and that fact is definitely reflected in my gear

This is becoming my go to outfit for winter running.

Tomorrow I'm taking my rest day - I have errands to run and my husband doesn't have to work, so the little time I will have at home will be spent hanging out with him. Saturday is 6 miles and more errands!


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