Mistakes were made

It's long run day. And it's also a snow day. They were saying the snow would start around 1, but I wasn't taking any chances so I got to the gym for my long run hoping to beat the snow. Well I didn't, but more on that later.

I'm here today to tell you that sitting in the sauna the day before you run 7 miles in an indoor/warm environment may not be the best idea.

That run was not good. I had a pounding headache halfway through it and I was overheating like crazy. Side note - why am I the ONLY runner in the gym that turns fire truck red and sweats like a .. fire hose? Seriously. The girls on either side of me look perfect and I look like a character off Walking Dead. I'd like to think it's cause I am working harder than anyone else, but that's probably just wishful thinking!

This is what I looked like.. 15 minutes AFTER finishing my run. With some snow on the side!

But I did all 7 miles despite feeling like shit. Never again will I use the sauna on Fridays.
I'm also starting to think I need to eat more before these long runs. I used to eat a bigger breakfast but right now I'm in a fat loss cycle so I am more careful about how much I eat, especially when it comes to carbs. I eat oatmeal before all my workouts but on days when I am running long distances that just isn't gonna cut it. Bigger breakfast next time, roger that.

It started snowing before my run was even finished, and by the time I got on the road the traffic was starting to get backed up and people were sliding all over the road. It was coming down hard enough to be a whiteout at times. Quick change of plans - drop by the store really quick, then get my post run lunch to go. Traffic was terrible, took me 40 minutes to make a 5 minute drive and I had to backtrack just to get moving. I'm just glad me and my car made it home okay.

There's supposed to be a road down there somewhere.

It's been coming down heavy all day and ice is supposed to fall tonight. I go nowhere!


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