Busy Week

It's Friday!

Holy crap, I've been so busy lately it's ridiculous.

These days I'm always busy - between work, gym, running, 1-2 hours of studying, chores, and the ever so little amounts of me/husband time!

My week went something like this...

Monday - Gym with K. We did a killer legs/biceps/back day - well let me rephrase, SHE did legs while I watched. I was still feeling the half marathon I ran the day before so I skipped the legs. I also skipped my rope climbing practice that day, as I was dealing with a nasty blister on the palm of my hand and I didn't think it would be climb-able. But at the very end of our workout this guy attempted to scramble his way up the unknotted rope using only his arms. And he did get very close to the top this way. My brain wanted to scream at him to use his legs... but really all this made me want to do was climb it. I couldn't help it! So I climbed the rope and shared some pointers with the guy, such as how to wrap the rope and pinch it between your feet. He was just like I used to be - the wrap really confused him and he had some trouble applying the technique. I told him to just get comfortable with the wrap and just pull up once/come back down a few times. The thing about the ropes is you get better really quickly. It only took me a couple weeks to get all the way up. I kinda felt bad for showing him up in front of his friend/the entire gym, but to be quite honest I really just wanted to climb it after I watched him do it.

Tuesday - Studying and a rest day. My legs were almost completely better, which is a big deal I think. After running my first half I was pretty much limping around for like 4 days. But this time I was sore Monday, then just slightly sore in certain areas on Tuesday. This definitely says something about my improved fitness. Still I thought it was better to rest my legs another day.

Wednesday - More gym with K. Triceps, shoulders, chest. We actually used barbells to bench for the first time which was pretty cool. We felt silly because she could only bench using the bar, and I could only put 10 lb plates on it and do about 6 reps at a time. But you gotta realize- the bars weigh 45 lbs! I normally bench with 20lb dumbbells. And my chest is still sore.

Thursday - Crossfit with Team RWB at Underbox! This is the second workout of the 9/11 workout series.

9/11 workout part 2!
Today's WOD was a different style than last week's. While last week was 5 rounds as many reps as possible - very high intensity, this week's was more about learning new skills - specifically - Power Lifting!

Excited about rowing!
Warming up included the row machine! I use this thing all the time so it was perfect. Then we worked on the Power Clean and the Thruster. These are a little intimidating and complex to someone like me who has never done Crossfit, but I practiced these alot because being able to do them would be really awesome! I have trouble keeping the bar close to my body and keeping my elbows up while holding the bar, so I know what I need to work on at least. We practiced this for awhile before moving onto the WOD itself - Power Clean/Thruster, then Knees to Elbows or Feet to Shoulders on the pullup bar. It was 21 reps, then 15, then 9. I did not put any weights on my bar because I am just learning. The Knees to Elbows is tough to control because your body swings back and forth from the momentum. But the coach said I could probably get my feet up to my shoulders, and I was able to a few times. But I just couldn't stop myself from rocking back and forth! You have to engage your back and butt to stop yourself from swinging. The pros were good at it - me, not so much.

It was definitely a different style WOD than last week but it was awesome. Once I get more comfortable with this stuff I wanna add some weights!

Today - Errands and much studying.

Tomorrow .... Total body workout!


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