It's Here!

My NASM stuff showed up today!

It's a very shiny box! Inside the box is really just a backpack and my textbook.

I got my syllabus and study guide printed out, and I'm set to go to work for about an hour just as soon as I eat something.

Also just a quick update on my training
- Still not getting enough running in during the week. Life has been so crazy for me lately. Yesterday my intention was to run but my husband kind of dropped a bomb on me when I got home and I was just not in the mood. It had to do with career stuff - no definites yet but let's just say I'm afraid of the unknown right now. Anyway... I WILL run 3 miles tomorrow or Thursday, and 8 miles out on the trails this weekend. I'm tapering down for my *second* half marathon at the end of the month!!
- Gym - It's going well. I can lift more - I can lift 15-20 lbs with dumbbells, and anywhere from 30-60 with barbells depending on what kind of lift it is. I'm also experimenting with new exercises all the time. Did some kettlebell work last week, and attempted the single leg deadlift (hard!) Tried a pike on the stability ball today but that was a massive failure - my calf cramped up on the second one. I can now climb the knotted rope twice, and today I did some work with the unknotted rope. Using the wrap technique I got about halfway up before I opted to come back down. The rope burn isn't very fun. But I'll keep working that method.

Feeling some funkiness in my right shoulder lately, so I'm trying to be careful with it and work on stretching and mobilizing it.

Training with K is going good. She couldn't make it today due to obligations with her kids, but we did train 2 days last week.

Day 1 - Really just an assessment to see where she was at. She is overweight but used to be in really good shape and has a good background in lifting weights. I started her out with 1 exercise per muscle group and using some pretty light weight (about 10 lbs for most exercises) We did some basic weighted squats, curls, bench press with dumbbells, skullcrushers, overhead presses, push ups, and some core work such as planks and ball passes.

Day 2 - She was feeling a bit sore but still eager and ready to work. I had her do 2 movements per muscle group (in some cases, not all). We did 3 sets of 10 assisted pull ups - narrow grip, reverse grip, and wide grip. This is one of my favorites. Push ups, dips, barbell bicep curls, tricep extension machine, lateral raise, kettlebell swings and kettlebell squats, and ... honestly I forget what else. It kicked her ass but she powered through it. I told her she could reduce the weight if she had to but aside from the bicep curls she accepted each weight I gave her.

I think eventually I will do my workouts when she does - that means puting her on a split routine and having her do what I am doing that day (with some modifications if needed, of course) I'll do my set then she will follow and I will watch her. And I'll have her do something else while I rope climb and such. This way I can make use of the hour before we meet and study in my car/Starbucks or whatever. K isn't a stranger to the gym and I feel confident she can handle it. Really I think she just wants someone to work out with and help keep her motivated. I'm glad I can do this for her. And she can help me out with dog sitting services, her potential future career. We'll be each others career references one day, lol.

Welp, time to study now! Later.


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