A brightening future..

It's been about a month since my back injury occurred. No exercise, playing it safe. It does still hurt but it's better than it was, so I decided to test the waters with a 2 mile run. After a month of zero exercise, and even longer since I had last gone running. Lifting dominates my life these days.

It went totally fine! It was one of those things where it doesn't hurt, but you're "aware" of it being there if that makes any sense at all.. Yay! If anything my right hip/groin hurt the most, but that's just my ongoing shitty right hip that's been an issue since day 1. My calves are going to hate me too because it's been so long since they got used. I did this at a nice 10:05 pace and it felt pretty darn good.

So I'm going to make this a thing, 2-3 mile runs 3x a week and adding distance as I feel comfortable... also my hip/hamstring/lower back yoga video at least twice a week. I hope I can get back to lifting in 2-3 weeks. Because I really miss my gym

Oh yeah, and it's a whole nother year now.

I'm not much of a new year person.. I had a pretty good 2015 - aside from wanting to move away from this miserable place I had a great year. Fitness wise especially, my lifting really took off in 2015. I went from being a beginner who couldn't squat or deadlift more than 50 pounds to adding more than 100 to that number. I hit a 205 deadlift, 185 squat, and 115 bench. My strength and endurance grew so much. I did alot of races - A half marathon (PR'ed!), the Hot Chocolate 15k, Savage Race, Tough Mudder, and my Spartan Trifecta - 2 of my hardest Spartans to date in NJ and PA... and a few other random things thrown in there. I was so much better at obstacles this year too, climbing the 8 foot wall by myself for the first time and making it 1 knot from the top of the rope climb. I have alot to be proud of this year.

For 2016 I'm just going to keep improving. Lifting, running more often... race wise I will probably chill a bit more this year, but I will at least do another Trifecta, a Battlefrog, a Savage Race, hopefully some new to me OCR's, and I would like to do a half this year. I don't know what this year is gonna bring, it may bring us a move back to Georgia which could throw off my schedule - so I'm going to wait to plan anything for a couple months. I miss running in the woods of GA and SC, without all these people around, just enjoying the laid back country.. Sigh .. :)

Whatever happens, rest assured I'm going to be improving, trying new things, and getting stronger.


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