Beginning Anew

So we got hit with that massive blizzard everyone's been talking about - Jonas? Yep, over 2 feet of snow was dumped on us. Aside from shoveling I haven't left the house in 4 days. They finally plowed our street today and we can officially leave, and I'm going back to work tomorrow. This would all be well and good because I can work out at home, except there's just one problem. I'm sick. So this meant doing nothing for 4 days. And I've been eating bad too.

In a couple more days I'm going to start exercising again. I also want to lose some fat that I've put on over the last few months. This is all gonna be about consistency. Making it to the gym to lift 3 times a week. Running 2-3 times a week, a mixture of steady state and HIIT. I need to get back to eating healthier on a consistent basis. This means forgoing the convenience foods and not saying yes to every single wild craving that pops into my head. If I do this 70-80% of the time I'll be good.

No more of THIS!!!

I need to find the girl I was 2 years ago. Just getting started, losing weight, and excited. I may not be happy with where I live but I still need to train like I did. And I know eventually I will make it back home and I can run in the places I love. Patapsco is nothing compared to FATS :) I do love my gym here but going back to GA means I will more than likely start Crossfit and be lifting with others and with a coach on my side. Life isn't terrible here, but I feel like somewhere last year I lost my spirit just a little bit. It's time to find it again.


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