Sick with too much time to think

It's been nearly a week since I got the cold from hell, which I got from my boss and now seems to be circulating through all the employees (and now my husband has it too) but I am starting to feel better-ish. I'm still really congested but I'm not quite so tired or in pain.

So! Off to the gym to work out!
Oh man, it was a disaster.
After the first 3 exercises I started to feel weak and nauseous. I was coughing non stop. But I pushed through... cut a couple things out because I wasn't feeling it / didn't feel like waiting for a bench to open up. Also did not do my finisher stuff because burpees would probably have killed me at that point. I sat in the sauna because I figure it might help me sweat out the rest of the sick germs.
I took the most GLORIOUS nap this afternoon.
And yes, I do plan on running tomorrow (just maybe a bit slower than normal!)
Even if I feel like shit doing it, I'd rather be doing it. Too many days of sitting around make me feel just like this ..

I guess with the new year comes people planning out their race schedules. I'm already getting questions ... "Hey, come run this 10k leg of a triathlon with me in May!" "Are you running Tough Mudder VA again this year? We got a team at 8:30" ... I would love it if I was a Georgia resident again come May, but I really have no idea when it's happening. The next job that opens is going to my husband - it's only a matter of time - but is it a month or 6 months? Makes race planning a bit difficult. I figure I will most likely register for the big ones, and have a backup plan for running a southern location and transferring my registration if need be. For Spartan I will most likely do the SC Beast again no matter where I live because I liked it better - just would be nice if it was 1.5 hours vs 7. Local stuff I will hold off as long as possible, and I doubt it would be much this year anyway. I'm looking at 3 Spartans, TM, Battlefrog, a Savage Race if I can, maybe a half, and hopefully a 5k with my family.

The truth is I've been really homesick lately. Not for my home town, although I do love it I have moved on. We had something special in GA. We both felt at home and at peace. Had everything we needed. Other than my job/low Army salary, everything was perfect. I loved running there, I could just get lost in a run surrounded by those pine trees. I had plenty of places to go. Hometown races were small and had that local feel. Road tripping to race destinations in the middle of nowhere, cruising country roads.. It was just different. Here I feel trapped. I can't "escape. All the paths are covered with townhomes and office buildings, the trails are PACKED with people and they cost money to use, and aside from spring and summer it's pretty ugly around here. Grey, lifeless, trash and graffiti everywhere. Races are hectic to get to and packed with people, outside of OCR's I have no desire to use parking shuttles to get to a race!
I dunno. I'm a southern girl, I don't feel at home here. But! It's just a matter of time. My home is waiting for me!

Anyways... I dunno where all that came from, like I said I've just been missing home lately and I guess I wanted to get that off my chest.

Until next time


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