I'm back baby!

Today was my first day back in the gym after more than a month of not lifting due to my back injury. I was so glad to be back.

I was daring enough to even work my back today (I may lift with a coworker on Thursday and I'd like to do more of an upper body workout with her) and for the most part things went pretty good. I didn't do any crazy heavy weights but that doesn't mean I took it easy..

Deep squats, #95. No issues here except some knee soreness at first
RDL's with that barbell up there. I probably could have done #85
Pull ups. Lost alot of progress here :( Also getting my foot into the band hurt my back a little
1 arm rows #30 each
Various seated leg machines. I never do these but my husband advised it figuring they would be back friendly. Believe it or not these hurt my back the most out of anything I did
Curls #15
Back extensions!
Then my tabata stuff - it was hard cause I havent done it in awhile ... it was air squats, burpees, kettlebell swings, jump rope. The burpees were a bit rough but I was able to do them
Core work, stretching

I am feeling good and having no pain. Just sleepy.

I'm so happy to be lifting again.. And running too.. maybe now I can shed a bit of this pudge I packed on during my time off/holidays


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