A good little run

So it looks like I have a little bit of permanent weight loss from the cleansing disaster over the weekend. I am down to 168 now - 3 more lbs and I will have lost 30 lbs to date!

As a result of this, my XL Under Armor tops are now too big. So I went to the PX on the base (think of it as a department store only cheaper) and they had some UA stuff on sale. I got medium shirts! And my first pair of compression shorts -also medium!!!

I tried the shorts out this morning for my little 2mi interval run and they worked out great! No chafing, no riding up, no discomfort of any kind. My legs felt great, even my shins didn't hurt at all (I usually get a small amount of shin pain until my body warms up)
Today was just a great little 6am run. Weather was perfect. At the end I was sweating like crazy and feeling great. And I am also having a great and productive day thus far.

Now hopefully we don't get any tornados like they are apparently getting in Atlanta!

Weekend Cleanse - Epic Fail

This weekend I decided to try out a 2 day cleanse. I have been curious about the idea for awhile but have always heard so many mixed things. Some say they work wonders, you lose weight, feel better, look better, etc. Others say they are complete bull, as your body naturally rids itself of toxins and does not need "cleansing". I figured this was one of those things I just had to try for myself and form my own opinion. My husband got on board for this little experiment too.

This particular cleanse interested me because it's really just loading your body up with healthy foods. I have no opinion of Dr. Oz as I do not watch his show. I know that these foods are healthy and good for me (points there), but I also know that at the end of the day, he is on tv and therefore anything he says or does is to generate ratings (minus points there). But once again, bottom line is I know these foods are healthy for me. I can't lose, right?

So in a nutshell - you go buy the groceries on the list, make the food, abstain from caffeine, drink plenty of water/get enough sleep. Eating only fruits and veggies, the only grains came in the form of quinoa once a day. No dairy or other grains.

This is the breakfast here - a quinoa bowl with prunes and rice milk. This was actually pretty good. With my breakfast I also had a cup of detox tea. The cleanse called for dandelion root tea, but this was the closest thing I could find (It has dandelion root in it plus a bunch of other herbs)

This here's the snack drink. You can have this throughout the day whenever you feel hungry. It's pineapple, kale, cucumber, mint, and lemon. The problem here is that this required a juicer and I don't have one. I do have a blender so I figured I could just make it as a smoothie. After all, getting the plant fibers in your drink is much more beneficial than just drinking the juice. Well, it resulted in a very... chewy... drink. Kale doesn't blend too well. The taste wasn't too bad, it was just the chewy/kale pieces stuck in your teeth that made it less than appetizing. Nevertheless, I gulped/chewed it down.

At about this point I started feeling kind of weak. I could feel the telltale signs of my sugar starting to drop. My usual late morning snack is some fat free Greek yogurt (protein source) so this was quite a change of routine for me. But this was something more. My muscles felt weak and sore. I also felt foggy headed, but I attribute that to not having caffeine - I usually have 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning, but that is it, my total caffeine intake for the day. Still, definitely noticed the absence of my coffee.

I wanted to take a nap, lie down, or something. But I decided to take my bath and see how I felt after that. The cleanse suggests taking an epsom salt bath to help flush out toxins. This part I liked alot! The epsom salt bath felt so good! I think I will start doing this on a regular basis. It's supposed to soothe sore muscles too

After the bath I felt a little better and decided not to nap. An hour or so later I made our lunch - a blueberry banana smoothie with almond milk and chia seeds. This was good too. I'm not fully hooked on almond milk. Alot of people seem to like it, but to me it tastes alot like peanut butter (which I don't like) but I am slowly starting to make friends with almond milk. I felt pretty good, but we were about to go out on some errands and take our dog to the park, so I took a snack with me just in case I did have a sugar crash (Larabar, only 2 ingredients in the whole bar - dates and cashews) but I did not end up needing it.

While we were out I stopped in Target to pick up something and ended up checking out the athletic department. They have decent cheap stuff. Well there was an extra mirror in the dressing room so you could see your back as you tried stuff on. This is the first time I've seen my full backside in a long time, apart from twisting my head around to look. Man, what a difference! I have lost so much weight off my butt, legs, hips, and even my upper back a little bit. Shoot, I was in there trying on medium tops! They were tight, but I normally wear L or XL since I have a bigger upper body and chest build. I didn't end up buying anything but I'm glad I tried stuff on because that was really cool to see.

So we went to the park next. It was not my plan to do my long run this weekend because of this cleanse, but my husband wanted to run a bit with our dog so I did manage to do a little bit of jogging. Even did a short little sprint. Definitely felt a difference in my energy level, my legs felt like stone blocks. But I still enjoyed being outside with husband and dog. I did have my homemade honey/lemon "gatorade" water afterward too.

This was the dinner, a vegetable broth. The cleanse instructions don't say whether or not you are supposed to eat the vegetables or just the broth? I tried to eat the veggies but I just couldn't. I am still very veggie intolerant. Growing up I was a carb lover who never really ate veggies, and was never forced to. So I didn't develop that taste and love for them, and as a result I'm having to adjust to them now in my adult life. I am doing pretty good, eating things I wouldn't have dreamed of eating 3 years ago. I now love spinach, bell peppers, and onions, I can tolerate carrots, mushrooms, green beans, and celery. I'm trying to make sure I mix veggies in with my meals. But this broth. It had cabbage in it, which I don't know if I have ever had in my life! Also it was very heavy on parsley as you can see, and I think over the last month I've realized I do not like parsley at all. It's so bitter. The broth itself was actually quite tasty, I just couldn't eat the vegetable pieces. I'm not quite there yet unfortunately.

That was day one. Rinse, repeat. The day two foods are exactly the same.

I woke up this morning feeling much "cleaner" inside. But I felt like shit. Still very weak, muscles sore, low energy, it just hurt to move basically. I've also been pretty cranky and moody. I did lose 3 lbs since the day before - putting me at 169.0! Not sure if this will be regained, but I don't believe it is all "water weight" as I consistently weigh in first thing in the morning right after using the bathroom. I didn't increase or decrease my water intake from what I normally do. My scale also accounts for water weight and it was unchanged. So I guess the ultimate weight loss remains to be seen - I mean it's not like I'm going to go eat a huge pizza after the cleanse or anything.

As today wore on I just started feeling worse. More sugar drops. Energy levels low. Food cravings were setting in. After we had our lunch we watched a movie until he ended up deciding to take a nap. We were originally gonna go to the park with the dog again, but that never happened. I fell asleep too. I woke up around 4 and in a very, very scary place.

I felt like CRAP. I could hardly even sit up straight. I felt dizzy, weak, nauseous, shaky, and cold. And I knew exactly what it was - low sugar. I knew what I had to do to fix it. Thought about it for awhile, but in the end I knew how ill I really was, and that after 1.5 days of my blood sugar going all over the place, I would only feel worse.

I bowed out. I don't know what the hell happened - everyone always says hypoglycemics should eat fruits, vegetables, low carbs, low sugar, etc. Maybe it was just too much sudden change for my body to handle all at once. I eat fruits, veggies, lean meats, low fat dairy, and whole wheat carbs. I don't eat a lot of sugar - I choose things with as little sugar as possible and don't add any of my own. That's what I have found works for me and what my body is used to. And I'm sure people would say "oh that's just your body detoxing"/whatever, blah blah. I know my body and when my sugar is low. It's not healthy for your blood sugar levels to be all over the place like that. I don't want to do that to my body unnecessarily. So I ate a whole wheat tortilla and felt better after 5 minutes. I still feel a little weak and shaky but it's much better after eating the whole wheat. I no longer feel like death.

I hate feeling so limited. Usually I live with hypoglycemia and do ok, but this experience actually made me a little upset and emotional about having this condition, something I haven't really felt in a long time. But in the end I have to remember that I am different. I have to listen to my body and know what it needs to keep my sugar levels normal. This weekend made me realize that my body likes a balance of foods - fruit, veggies, low fat dairy, whole grains, and lean meats. All of those things together will keep my sugar balanced 95% of the time, and if I have a crash it is usually my own fault for not eating when I need to. People say that "raw diet, paleo diet, etc helped cure my hypoglycemia" I just don't see that happening for me. I feel more likely to pass out  from my sugar going too low. Bottom line, it's just not right for me.

Final cleanse opinion.
I think this is a good program for people trying to jump start a healthy eating habit or a weight loss program. Personally, I never felt that "energy" people say they feel after a day or two of cleansing. Then again I may be a special case due to the whole blood sugar thing. I did feel "cleaner" inside after a weekend of eating high fiber foods. Really, I think the "awesome" feeling happens more in people who normally eat Mcdonalds every day or something. I generally eat pretty healthy already so I didn't really notice much in the way of how much "better" I felt. Obviously, I actually felt worse! Again, I'm a special cookie here. Ultimately, I am glad I tried this. My curiosity is sated. Do I feel like cleansing/detoxing is right for me? Not really. It is kind of a big inconvenience for the end payoff - alot of prep work, not having energy to go out and do stuff, trips to the bathroom, etc. I have learned that any type of restricted diet is probably not suitable for me. I have different needs, and thankfully I listened to my body and stopped a few hours early. I think maybe in the future I may just do a "healthy weekend" and keep it to whole foods only, but customize them for my dietary needs. This was a good experience in that regard - it was 2 days of nothing but healthy food, which is always good.

Wow, this ended up being a rather beastly post. I'll bid my farewells now, and go back to eating my normal balanced diet tomorrow. This week will be lots of running and strength training, with a 4 mile run on saturday!

Update - 2 hours later and I STILL feel so much better after eating that one little wheat tortilla! I don't feel my blood sugar dropping yet, as it was with the meals I ate during the cleanse.


Just dropping in on this frosty friday morning to note that I've lost 25 lbs! I am down to 170.8, from my starting weight of 195.8!

I am really curious to see where these last 15 lbs are gonna come from. Hopefully my arms (upper and lower are still chubby), my inner thighs, and my calves. I have weight in such weird places that still has yet to come off! Then of course I still have somewhat of a gut which is steadily getting smaller, so I'm pretty confident it will look better in a couple of months.

This all sounds incredibly shallow. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit and toned. My weight loss so far has helped me to feel better physically and increased my confidence.

Thought of the day

Today I had a conversation with a coworker that really made me think.

This guy is in his 50's or so, friendly, talkative, easy going, and always has a story to tell. And he's pretty thin, not even the gut that many men that age tend to get. Last week I had mentioned to him that I was running a race, so today he asked me how it went. I told him, and we eventually wandered into one of his many stories. Long story short, a friend of his used to run 7 miles a day. One time they were on a trip together and the friend made a comment about all the early morning runners that were out, and how not one of them was smiling. The point of his story being - running doesn't make you smile.

Really, I think he was half joking about this. He's light hearted like that. And we kept the conversation along that vein - I mentioned the benefits I have experienced as a result of running, and we changed the subject. Still, it got me thinking.

Do people really think that something is only worth doing if it provides instant happiness?

I believe that life exists to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. However, without challenges, pain, and discomfort, does happiness truly exist? Would you know what it feels like to be happy without having first been unhappy? Life's challenges exist to be conquered, to help us become better people. Without them we'd be bored. Fitness is one of those challenges, one that many struggle with and few master. For those who aren't accustomed to it, running is very difficult. Honestly, running hurts. It sucks sometimes. But if you allow your mind to relax, running becomes a great release of all the mental overloading we're subjected to every day. It can be a time to reflect on your thoughts, or simply think of nothing at all. You realize that it feels great just to get outside and move.  To see the trees and the sky, feel the wind and smell the air. You are in control and command your own pace. Force your body to maintain that pace, whatever it may be. Run through the pain. Enjoy how great you feel after a run. It's a crazy mixture of emotions - tired yet somehow energetic, sweaty, adrenaline, loosened up, happier, etc. Months later, marvel at the results of your hard work. Being able to run faster and longer will make you feel like you've accomplished something. Your whole body will look better. You'll be able to run in any situation that requires it. Being fit just feels so much better. Yes, it hurts, it sucks, I don't always have the motivation, but I make myself do it. The payoff is absolutely worth the trouble. I want to be healthy and in shape so I can get more out of life, and not be another American statistic of obesity and disease. I want to be a person who can overcome any fitness challenge, do things that few people can say they did, etc. I like to challenge myself and reap the benefits of my results. At the end of the day, that IS what makes me smile.

Anyway, end of rant.

Burpees await me early in the morning. And I will most likely be sore from today's workout, which was good except I had a bit of a hypoglycemic episode today. Really it was me thinking I could function without the Gatorade water. A bit of history - I am a diagnosed hypoglycemic and the dietitian told me to have Gatorade during any workout lasting 30 minutes or more. I can run without the gatorade, but there's just something about strength training. I think I have an aversion to it because it makes me feel SO weak and shaky and in need of calories, yet it doesn't burn alot of calories at all! Not up front, anyways. Yet it is necessary to be fit - my muscles need to be strong, flexible, and toned. So tonight I made a mixture of water, honey, lemon, and a tiny bit of salt as my hypoglycemic drink. I need to get away from the Gatorade powder and its "brominated vegetable oil" poison.

Also, I may have perfected my new breakfast (a smoothie)
- 2 cups frozen spinach
-1/3 cup frozen mixed berries
-1/2 scoop Muscle Milk Lite protein powder (vanilla)
-1/2 a banana
-x-Water as needed
140 calories, helps me get fruits and greens without being too ridiculous on the sugar scale, and I can have it after a workout or on a regular day. I always feel really good after having one of these.

And as a final note, I got my "free" Spartan Race shirt today! They were giving them away on their website (I just paid $5 for the shipping) Not a bad deal.



43 days until the Georgia sprint! I'm getting really excited!

Trying new things

Feeling good about this week so far.  Today I am supposed to weigh 174 and I weigh 172. And I've been slacking on my training this week due to feeling under the weather for the last few days. But the fact that I'm a little bit ahead of the game with my weight loss kinda makes up for it. I even found some really tasty "healthier" chips - Tera BBQ Sweet Potato chips ! I also had a SMALL amount of some super tasty chocolate kettle corn. Oh and I also had some organic mint dark chocolate.
Ahead of my goal and still indulging a little? Hell yes!

But I didn't come here today to talk about all my decadent snacking. Quite the opposite actually.

I have been intrigued by the idea of cleansing/detoxing. Not the starve yourself/drink nothing but lemon juice and cayenne pepper for a week/insert ridiculous cleansing idea here - those just make you miserable, wreck your health, and any weight lost is just gained back anyway. But I found a detox that may not be complete bunk.!

Detox With the Dr Oz Two Day Spring Cleanse - IdealBite

This intrigues me because it's a cleanse where you load up on healthy food and eliminate junk. I like the idea of allowing your body to reset/flush all the junk out of its system. Its a weekend cleanse which is great for a first timer like me. Now, I don't really watch tv or Dr Oz, but I researched this cleanse online and found that a lot of real people have tried it and most have had positive experiences with it. So now I'm curious.

Bottom line is, I've heard a lot of good and bad about the idea of "detoxing" and I want to try it out for a couple of days and form my own opinion.

This will be the weekend I do it.  I expect I'll feel like shit for the first few hours as my body adjusts so I made sure I have no plans. 

We shall see how this goes!

Dog Gone Cold 5k

Another race was run today!

This time, the 3rd annual Dog Gone Cold 5k! This race was cool because you could bring your dogs, run with them, and it was centered around rescue and adoption. Funny, I signed up for this race before I knew we'd have a new puppy. I'm glad I signed up for this one because it was a great opportunity to get our new puppy out there and socialize with other dogs. Once again he stole the show, nearly everyone we passed had to stop and "aaaawwwww" at him :) I don't blame them, he is super cute. And there weren't any other young puppies there. He did really good with all the people and big strange dogs. Now, if we can just get better with his potty training...

This race was aptly named. It was about 40 out there this morning, which for Georgia is cold! It's about the coldest temperature I can run in at this point. 35/frost on the ground and I will run inside or do something else that day. I know I could train to run in colder weather, but I don't have the gear for it nor does it make a whole lot of sense to stock up on heavy cold weather gear that won't get used a whole lot. Maybe next year when I am a better runner and running longer sessions. But for what I am doing now, for the most part it's 40 or higher when I run, and I can deal with that. This morning I did layer up but definitely felt a little chilly. Lately it's been in the 60's and 70's here, but with that huge storm that just rolled through the country we got quite a cold front. So after a few weeks of not running in the cold, breathing was a little bit painful for me today.

My goal here was to see if I could beat last week's time of 27:17, or at least come close to it.

Race started off, made my way through the throngs of people as per usual. I thought I had a pretty good pace going in the beginning. I was pushing myself - I like to push myself when I run. Then I looked down at my watch and it said 10:08. WAT??? This can't be! I hadn't even hit the first mile yet! Guess I'm not going as fast as I thought! Oh well, time to keep plodding on I guess. Reached the first mile point, they shouted out my time "8:36!" Wha? *looks at watch again* 10:09. Doh. For some reason when I pushed the stopwatch button the clock never started. And the race started at 10am - not 10 minutes 8 seconds on my stopwatch! Sigh of relief, I'm not doing as bad as I thought!

For this run I kind of hit the wall a little bit towards the very end of the race. The last half mile or so was hard. After what seemed like forever I saw the finish line, and the clock was creeping up on 27:17. I knew I wasn't going to make it but I could at least get close. 27:36 is what I saw as I crossed the line. And my husband was kind enough to take pictures!

All in all a good run. The usual hiccups that come with any race - starting off slow due to all the people, tying a shoe, etc. My one regret with this run is not getting enough calories beforehand. I forgot to eat my pre run snack, I think due to all the dogs being around and having to mind our puppy. I definitely felt like I was running on an empty stomach during that last mile, right about the time my energy dropped. And I didn't beat my time from last week. But on the other hand, today proved that the first run wasn't a fluke. I have now run a 27 minute 5k twice in a row. 4 months ago I could run a 12:30 mile. Now I'm seeing times like 8:36. Granted, this pace is very challenging for me and there's no way I could maintain it during longer distances. But as I always say, I do my best to make absolutely sure I am pushing myself. I always ask myself - Can I go faster? Do I really need a break or can I keep going? Is that extra 10 second break really necessary? Today's answers were: Faster. Keep going. Break's over.  And that's exactly what will enable me to lose more weight, become faster and stronger, and one day be awesome at running.

Post run floppy puppy hugs!

This was alot of fun. We enjoyed the scenery around the Lake Olmstead area of Augusta, we got to see tons of dogs and chat with their owners, picked up a few freebies for the dog, and I completed another good run. No more racing for me until the end of Feb. when I do my 10k *gulp* Time to start up long runs on saturdays again!


So I've missed out on some workouts this week. Turns out taking care of a 7 week old puppy is more time consuming than I thought.

The first few nights were rough because he cried in his crate all night long. He is getting better now (plus we moved the crate to a different room which helped a lot) but we are still trying to figure out a schedule for his bathroom breaks/outdoor play time,  indoor time, and crate time with someone in the room -so he learns to see it as his home and not a punishment. We are also taking him on walks if he has the energy for it. This is all temporary until he is potty trained and a little more independent.

This morning I did get to go for a short run. I wanted it to be longer but i ran out of time. I could have planned better, but I know what I need to do now. It may have been for the best though because my ankle hurt a bit afterwards. It's better now though...RICE!
I tested out an interval run which I will be doing more of in the future. Supposedly they are really good for training and burning calories. 

Oh, and I signed up for Warrior Dash! That's going to be in April -should be an awesome time!

Tomorrow will be a strength day. Hopefully I will have some good energy in the morning!

Change of routine

So it's been a month (give or take) since I started my new job and switched to a morning exercise routine. And even despite the holidays it only took me about 2 weeks to get used to it.

Now I have to change it again

I'll still be getting up early and exercising in the morning. I just have to change some of the details.

Why? We got a puppy!

This is Westwood (or West for short) and we just got him on friday. He's a 6 week old 1/2 Lab, 1/4 German Shepherd, 1/8 Rottweiler, 1/8 Chow. My husband has been wanting a dog for a really long time, so he is really enjoying having this little guy around. And now our little zoo is complete - 2 cats and a dog. And no kids. Life is good! I will say that puppy training is a challenge, but we just have to keep doing it and he'll catch on eventually.

Here he decided to snooze on my purse. We took him to the 5k I ran yesterday because we didn't want to leave him alone on his first day with us. He was definitely the star of the show because he got SO much attention!!! Also he is very popular with the ladies. This outing completely wore him out. Alot of other dogs and attention from people. Plus he can't really walk too well yet, he still kind of waddles around. It took a bit of walking up/down hill to get from the parking lot to the starting line, so we ended up carrying him for most of the time. Still, we think it's important to take him places with us for 2 reasons - so he is not alone and gets used to spending time with us, and to socialize him. And I'm actually running another 5k next weekend, which is a dog race! We can't run with him just yet, but at least he can come with us and get used to other dogs - and melt people's hearts again!

So as a result of having a tiny wiggly 6 week old puppy, I have to change things up once again. I've been leaving the house around 5:30 on my running or swimming days and my husband leaves shortly after I do. The earliest one of us gets home is 3:30. That's too long for West to be in his crate at this point. So we talked about it and I've decided to do all of my weekday workouts at home. That way I can leave at 7:15. I think I've figured out my new plan

  • 2-3 mile runs on weekdays. Running the entire neighborhood back and forth is 1 mile.I don't want to do any long runs here because it would just mean running back and forth a million times. But this will be good in case I want to do any interval or speed training.
  • Long run on saturdays. This is kind of what I've fallen into doing anyway. This will be 4-6 miles.
  • Strength training at home on weekdays. I have been a slacker in this department. With the Spartan Race coming up soon I really need to get more serious about it. It's so hard to do in the mornings - but I gotta make myself do it!
  • Yoga in the morning. This might suck. I don't see myself being very flexible at 6am. But I need to do yoga, it's very good for the body.
  • Sunday - off! This will give me a day to relax/do housework/do stuff with my husband and the puppy. As the weather gets nicer we'll probably be out doing stuff. I can always switch this day with saturday too.
I was reluctant to agree to staying home and running in the neighborhood. I just feel like an idiot running around it 4+ times. But I need to get over it - it's still activity, it's still a chance to get better at running. Unfortunately this does mean I can't swim. The pool isn't open on weekends and I don't have time at night. Oh well. This is all about what's best for the puppy. We want to minimize his crate time as much as possible.

We're really looking forward to be going on walks and park trips with the puppy. It'll reinforce our active lifestyle and get us outside alot more.

Resolution Run 5k

Race day!

I got a very early start to this gloriously painful day. 

This was my third 5k, and the first time I haven't had pre race nervousness. My last 5k was 2 months ago with a time of 35:51. I know I've improved alot since then and wanted to get back out there and test my mettle. I was excited and ready to run.

This was the Resolution Run 5k at Savannah Rapids Park. It's a very pretty place with plenty of places to walk and have picnics. The weather was pretty perfect today - not too hot to be miserable when running, but not too cold to be freezing after your run. Heck, I wore short sleeves and short running shorts today and it worked out nicely. The shorts aren't really flattering on me just yet, and chafe a little, but all in due time. 

My goal here was to get under 30 minutes. The last few runs I've done have been about 31 minutes per 3 miles.

So here we were! There weren't a ton of people at this race, but enough for it to be fun. All different types of people showed up, as this was a new years resolution style event. We rallied up and started the race at 9, and I took off. I didn't really have a gauge of how fast I was running, I just know that my mantra for the past month has been "Push Myself", and that's exactly what I did. This was a hard run for me. I was towards the front of the pack, really looking to keep a good pace. I kept on passing people, and it motivated me to keep pushing hard. They had mile markers, so I glanced at my watch when I hit the 1 mile mark. 8:23 ... my jaw pretty much dropped right there. I have NEVER run this fast EVER. I slowed down a tiny bit at that point, I didn't want to burn myself out!!! Got to the halfway point. Took a 30 second walk break halfway through, then kept pushing. Fast enough to challenged me, but slow enough to avoid completely hitting the wall and sabotaging my race. The last half of the run was so freaking hard. I kept telling myself not to walk, just make sure I keep on running. It's only 3 miles. I can rest at the end, right? I eventually ended up taking a quick 10 second walk and another 20. Then, after what felt like the longest run of my life, the finish!


I am freaking astounded by this time.

I went into this thing hoping to get under 30 minutes, or as close as possible. My time was better than I could have possibly imagined. Also, it's an all time record for me. My fastest mile ever ever EVER was about 9:30 in high school. My pace here was about 8:48 per mile. That's... insane. And as my husband pointed out, I have cut almost 10 minutes off my last 5k time. 

In spite of being absolutely exhausted after this race, I was pretty damn proud of myself. 

A member of the staff told me there were 200 or more people at this race. I finished 50th, so I'm at least in the top 25%. I outran alot of people who looked like they were in much better shape than me - let's face it, I do not have a runner's body yet. No awards for me, but 50th out of 200+ people? I'll take it!

They had an insane amount of free food. They had Panera cheddar bagels! 

And I got a shirt - one of the nice dry fit ones, so I can actually wear it when I run and not be soaked afterward. Yay!

This was a good race. I did far better than I could have hoped. It's definitely going to set the standard for my future races... the next of which being next weekend. Bring it on!

20 down

Finally hit the big 2-0! Pounds lost, that is.

20 lost in about 3 and a half months. Not bad. I'm sure I could lose faster, but I want it to be comfortable for me, aka not feel like I'm starving myself! 3 more months of weight loss, then it's all about maintaining. That has been my ultimate downfall in the past. Losing 10-15 lbs, seeing results, then (whether I realized it or not) I would become content and that little "I'm done" switch would go off in my mind and I'd just go right back to eating bad and not exercising. But this time is different. These changes are permanent. I no longer want to fight the ups and downs of weight. My new lifestyle is about staying active (even when I'm at my healthy weight!) and watching what I eat. Now, I am not a food nazi. I am not trying to starve myself or obsess too much about calories. Well, maybe obsess a little? But not deny myself occasional "bad" foods every now and again. Maybe have a small portion or a cheat meal. Life is about enjoyment. My ancient Nordic religion and worldview is primarily focused on the actions one takes in their physical life here on earth /Midgard. The world is harsh and your body should be ready for it - Take care of your body. But that also means the comforts in life are hard earned and that much sweeter. Indulge a little when among good company and in good spirits. That is how I view the "Viking" mentality. For me, these changes are spiritual just as they are physical.

My pants are actually baggy around my thighs and waist. I wore these same pants to work last spring, and man were they tight.

You see, back then I kind of looked like this....

Yuck. So glad I don't look like that anymore!

Or even like this...

This is from the first 5k I ran back in October. My upper body is still big, but it's much much better.

So yeah, very happy with the progress thus far. And I'm excited to lose the last 15-20. I don't even know where it will all come from! I've always had a big stomach/thighs/arms but at the same time been skinny on my hips and butt. It'll definitely be interesting to see what I'll look like in March!

A run and a hot bath

Man, I thought I might have been coming down with something. My husband was feeling sick on friday night, then last night I started feeling it. Not good. I don't get sick often. About once every 2 years. Thankfully I ended up feeling better after a couple hours this morning. I just hope that what I did today didn't aggravate it .....

Headed out around noon today to do my make up run for yesterday's pants fiasco. And - crisis averted! I was able to wear those same pants due to a clever idea from the husband - wear some running shorts over them. I got a new pair of shorts that are pretty tight fitting, so in theory they should help hold the running pants up? Turns out he was right, I wore the combo today with no problems. I really do love the pants, they are super comfy to run in and don't make me feel too hot or too cold. Just.. whoever approved that non elastic waist band should be flogged.

I have decided to start increasing my mileage now that I am comfortable with a 5k distance. My morning runs have been 3.5 miles. I am going to start going for longer runs on saturdays. I am going to work up to about 5 or 6 miles.

Today's was a 3.85 on the decently hilly Euchee Creek trail. As my luck would have it, about 5 minutes into my warm up it started to rain. Wth? Rain wasn't even in the forecast! Oh well, not like I haven't run in the rain before. I really tried to keep a good pace for the majority of this run, and minimize the length of my breaks. I did have to take a couple of mini 5-10 second breaks after running up some of the hills, but my longest walk break was 35 seconds. And one break to tie my shoe which I didn't bother to stop the clock for. I glanced at my watch when I had completed a 5k's distance - 31:06. My time for the whole run was 37:58, a 9:51 pace. Pretty damn good, I like seeing more of these sub 10:00 numbers! I pushed pretty hard towards the end of the run. Ankle hurt, right shoulder ached, my feet were wet, but I wanted to burn the rest of the fuel in the tank. My mp3 player gave me some good songs and I just pushed it. Felt great afterwards! Then the chill sat in... my clothes were soaked in cold, windy, rainy weather. Drove home and took a hot bath. Warm and clean at the same time? Sounds good to me! Now I just hope I don't end up getting sick since I just ran in that nasty weather. I've heard mixed things on whether or not running helps or hurts your immunity.

I am running a 5k next weekend. 

It feels like it's been so long since I've run one. Even though I have only ever done 2 in my whole life, and the first one doesn't technically count since I didn't exactly try to run fast. Anyway, I'm very excited to be doing another one. 2 actually, I am also doing one the following weekend.


I'm seriously considering signing up for a 10k happening here at the end of february. I've looked up some training plans, and I think I can get ready for it in time. It's not like I'll be expecting to run super fast, I just want to do it and take the next step up for myself. 

Realization of the day - I am a runner. The thought is completely alien to me still. I have *never* been a runner. But now, yes, I am a bona fide runner. I run 3x a week. I get up at 445 am to run. I run in the wind and rain and darkness. I now have all kinds of crazy gear, tight fitting running clothes, spi belt, etc. that makes me look like a runner. I stretch. People must look at me and see a runner. That's crazy!!! 

Zeroing in on 20 lbs lost. Of course, we currently have sinful things in the house such as birthday cake. It's my husband's birthday tomorrow! It's been 2 years since I've been able to spend his birthday with him so I'm quite happy. I won't eat huge amounts of cake (that's his job!) but I won't deny myself a few bites. 

Bad luck!

These past couple days have been kind of frustrating! I've missed both workouts for different reasons

Yesterday morning I got up all early to go swimming like I normally do on fridays. For some reason the pool was closed when I showed up at the normal opening time of 6am. I knew it had been closed for new years, but this was january 4th and it was supposed to be open again. Double checked the website - yep, reopens jan 2nd. I waited around for 15 minutes and still, nothing. What the hell. I was wearing sandals and a bathing suit under my clothes, and had no other shoes or clothes to do a regular workout in. So I ended up having to go back home to shower and get ready for work.

Saturday is a run day, and today my husband wanted to take his bike out on the trail while I ran it. So he spent all this time setting his bike up and cleaning it (he hadn't used it since it was shipped from Korea), we got all bundled up and drove out there, I was all pumped for my 3.85 mile run...and I ended up not running. Why? Well, I got some running pants on sale and wore them for the first time today. They are great pants, aside from the fact that they don't stay on my waist. For some reason they don't have an elastic waistband. Plus they sit pretty low on the waist to begin with. Now, I have never owned "real" running leggings before, all my pants are just standard "workout" pants with the looser fit (which I want to get away from and start wearing tighter fitting clothes for running) so I thought well, maybe they are designed to have a loose fitting waist in order to allow free movement? WRONG! They just fall off your ass. It's hard to run while having to pull up your pants every 15 seconds. I just couldn't do it, it threw off my ability to focus and was just plain uncomfortable. Another workout, FOILED! We're going back tomorrow - in my normal pants. But still. Grrrr.

Maybe it's just some bad exercise-luck-energy-what have you. I am starting to think I have a string of bad luck at the beginning of each new year. But maybe that's just nature's way of getting it all out of the way early. Whatever. Tomorrow I'm gonna get out there, do my normal routine - except run 3.85 miles instead of 3 or 3.5, and kick this bad luck or whatever it is.

Goal for the week - reach the 20 lbs lost mark! I am so very close...


New year! Time to start tracking my mileage on the track and in the pool. Resolutions are stupid. If you want to change, change today. Commit to a new lifestyle.  Change gradually, adjust your body to being healthy. Set goals and plan to keep them for the rest of your life... not just until beach season. That's my take on it, anyways.

I am 3 months into my quest now. I am seriously doing this, aren't I? I have planned, set goals, and put in a lot of time, hard work, and discipline.  This will be the year I change my life. And never look back.

This mornings run went well. Pace wasn't what I hoped for (10:22), but I only took one break in 3.5 miles. My goal is to ignore that pesky little voice in my head that's telling me to quit. Or the voice in my legs - they were on fire this morning.

Despite some bad holiday eating and restaurant eating while some family was down visiting from Virginia... I weigh 177 this morning.  I realized that I can regulate my diet really well while at work.  Bring a set amount of healthy food and eat it. So simple.  Now that the holidays are done with I should really start dropping weight