Today's my birthday!

I celebrated turning 28 on the 28th by running 2.8 miles this morning.

You win, OCD.
It was kind of a hard run for such a slow pace. Last night's celebrations were still on my stomach, plus I ran these miles within 30 minutes of waking up on no food or coffee!

But it was very pretty this morning. I was born during the best time of year - everything is still green and in bloom but the temps are perfect

Euchee Creek!

28 will be a better and stronger me! I am undetaking my big career change this year which I am nervous about, but I'll be really happy to get out of what I am doing now and into something I love. 28 will also be many more races. More miles, faster miles, more lifting, and more trying new things!

What else to say? I haven't really been on my blog for awhile. In a bit of a fitness slump right now but I'm gonna hit it full steam this week.

I did manage to get my butt outside for the first long-ish? run in about a month. 6 miles on the Skinny trail. It was a perfect run. Felt great, weather was nice, and I paced myself very well. I took it easy because my leg is still messed up.

The beauty of FATS.

Last night we had my birthday dinner at Whiskey Bar Kitchen in Augusta. Had me a very potent drink plus many bad/delicious foods!  Maple chili waffle fries, I tried a Chili Pimento Cheese burger - pimento cheese is big around here. Then of course I had to go get some Boll Weevil cheesecake because it is the richest, most amazing cheesecake ever.

Part of the reason I haven't been active or on my blog lately is because last weekend I was in the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a little family visit! A much needed beach getaway. We saw our in laws and my parents even stopped by for a day.

New bar at our favorite fishing pier

Tomorrow it's back to reality and more training! The SuperBeast is less than a month away, I need to step it up and prepare myself as best as possible for this insane task. But for now... I'ma enjoy my birthday...

2 Year Anniversary

Well, it's about that time. My 2 year anniversary is here! 2 years ago I began my weight loss journey and started running.

In September of 2012 I was almost 200 lbs. I had just moved here to Georgia after spending a year without my husband due to the military. The weight had really crept on over the past year and I was feeling miserable. I hated the way I looked and felt. None of my clothes fit and I had a really hard time finding good fitting clothes from the brands I liked. Shortly after we moved here I saw my new doctor, who diagnosed me with PCOS after 6 years of unexplained problems that no other doctor was able to diagnose. It was time to begin a new life. Lose the weight once and for all, to help me look and feel better and also to control my PCOS.

I didn't put too much thought or anticipation into it. I just kind of started doing it. However, I did know that I needed to come up with a way to hold myself accountable for my results or else I would never lose weight and keep it off. My method was to weigh in every other Wednesday and set goal weights. This was before I knew how inaccurate the number on the scale can be, and that it's really better to take measurements and pictures. Still, I managed to make every goal or at least come close.

How did I do it? I started running. At the time I thought it was the best way to burn the most calories and get skinny. And it is to a degree, but now I know that you should supplement your running with weight training. But back then, pretty much all I did was run. I didn't think I needed to strength train to lose weight. So I started in the treadmills at the gym, running for as long and fast as I could, then taking a walk break. The walk breaks got shorter, then completely vanished, and after about 2 months I stepped off the treadmill and never returned. I ran outside no matter the weather. Then I started registering for 5k's. I worked on my 5k speed, then set my sights for the GRU 10k. Then I found Spartan Race. I began to delve into the world of strength training, simply using body weight and dumbbell exercises in my spare bedroom. Started working on our pullup bar. I added a Ashtanga yoga class about once a week.

Diet wise, my approach was to make gradual changes. I was eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I figured the reason so many people don't stick to healthy eating habits is because they do too much too soon. You can't just go from eating crap 24/7 to eating nothing but salads and expect to succeed. So instead of setting myself up for failure I changed 1 or 2 things here and there. I tried to use healthier swaps in cooking ingredients. I became mindful of how much sugar I was consuming (sugarholic to the core!!!) I still have alot of work to do in this area. My diet is far from perfect, I still succumb to some pretty terrible cravings (especially sugar!) but I am more mindful of what and how much I eat, and it IS easier to say no.

As part of celebrating my "2 year anniversary" I have decided to finally share my fatty pics along with pics of what I look like today. I'm in the same room, wearing the exact same clothing.

9/19/12. 196 lbs. Size 12.

9/16/14. 160-163 lbs. I haven't weighed myself in awhile. Size 6.

 My thoughts...
- I was so puffy!
- Runner's Tan.
- Face. Nuff said.
- Arms/shoulders. Getting there, noticing definition but I still have the bat wings. (Also, boobs are smaller, sadface.)
- Back, a little definition showing
- Stomach. The pouch is still ever present, but it's getting smaller. I have much more definition and much of the fat on the sides of my stomach is gone
- Butt/legs. I have a tiny butt and stork legs. There's so much more definition in my legs, knees, and calves.

It's crazy to look back on where I was and how far I have come. Most of my life I was inactive and didn't care a thing for fitness. Sure, I always did love the outdoors, but going running was NOT my idea of fun. I got addicted. To the way I feel after a great workout, how much better I feel throughout the day, the way I look and feel in my clothes, and just more confidence and overall happiness. I think what I love most is DOING stuff. Using my body to do some good old hard work. Testing my limits. Seeing what I'm capable of. I found obstacle racing - I can explore the outdoors, play like a kid, face my fears, crawl around in the mud, climb, carry, swim, push, pull, you name it. There's something so primal and satisfying about it. Plus, obstacle racing gave me the push to strength train harder, and now I have a new addiction - the gym. These past few months I've gone in there.. climbed ropes, lifted, pulled, pushed, burpee'd, plus thrown in some great stability and core work. I sweat alot and feel great.

And now, I'm in the process of changing careers. This journey has helped me discover a passion for fitness and I want to share it with others. I'm about halfway through my personal trainer certification class. By next year I hope to start a new career doing something I have grown to love. Next year I will accomplish so much more - in the gym, on the roads and trails, and on the race courses. And this time next year I will post more pics. Who knows what I might look like then?

The 9/11 Hero WOD

3 weeks of Crossfit has all led up to tonight - the 9/11 Remembrance Workout!

Alot of people showed up!! Most of the RWB folks who did the last 3 workouts were there, plus a bunch of Underbox people I hadn't seen before. So we did the WOD in heats of 8. I was in the second heat. This was our heroic WOD

Scaled - easier version. RX - hard version.

I did the scaled. Even more scaled back really, I only put 20lbs on my bar so 55 total. 25 lb kettlebell. Crossfit is new to me so I stay on the conservative side. The last thing I wanna do is wipe myself out early in the game, or even hurt myself.

Getting ready to run!
#1 - Running! 911 meters. The number of reps, distances, and weights were all centered around 9/11. So I think 911 meters is a little more than half a mile? Basically run up the road to the end where it turns into Augusta Mall, then come back.

#2 - Overhead Lunges. Pretty simple, do 11 lunges with a 25 lb weight.

Me entering a lunge
#3 Wall Balls! Get 1-2 feet away from the wall, grab a medicine ball, do a squat, then throw the ball upwards at the wall and try to hit the tape marking on the wall. These weren't too hard, but catching the ball was kind of awkward at times.

#4 Pull Ups. Here I used the most difficult resistance band. I figured trying to do 11 strict pull ups would tire me out way early and I would have to take tons of breaks in order to do it. I only took 1 break here, just long enough to wave at the camera!

Oh hello. It's pull up time.
#5 - Power Clean. This movement is still tricky for me. The first day we did them I struggled with getting all the "steps" down, but today they felt a little more natural. The thing I still struggle with is not getting my elbows up enough, they are too far down at my sides. 

My not so great Power Cleans!
#6 - Hand Release Push Ups. These are easy, at the bottom of the push up simply put your chest on the floor and raise your hands up. Knocked all 11 out in a row.

#7 - Kettlebell swings. The first day we did these I got worn out quickly. Probably because we did way more of them, and they had me on the 35 lb bell. Today I used the 25 and knocked all 11 out right away. 

#8 Knees to Elbows. The thing that makes these hard is the fact that my body swings back and forth so much because of all the momentum. I wonder how all the pros can do them without swinging around so much!

#9 - Burpees. Easy for me since I do them so often. I did take 1 break because I was just tired from everything and needed to catch my breath. These guys seem to lie down on their chest at the bottom of the burpee while I do a push up. My burpee technique is so ingrained in my head at this point that there's no changing it. I do them Spartan style!

#10 - Push Press. I had never done these before. Hold the bar at chest height and push it overhead with a little squat for power. I grabbed my bar and after the 3rd rep I realized I should probably take the weights off to avoid exhausting myself. No shame here as many other chicks did the same and just pushed with the bar.

Push press, sans weights
#11 - Last run! This was hard. Running after doing all that stuff? Alot of people were walking it. And believe me, it was tempting to walk. Just a quick walk break. But no, I'm a runner and I can do this. I did not allow myself to walk. I ran it all the way home and was DONE!

This was awesome! I was very tired after a hard workout, but we all cheered each other on and motivated one another through it all. Post workout food was had, we all just hung around for awhile and some people even danced! (Not me)

I really enjoyed this opportunity to try Crossfit, meet new people and work out with them. I'm sad it's over.. but I'll be doing more stuff in the future with the team so there's more craziness to look forward to.

Now it's bedtime, as I am QUITE tired.

The Burpee Calendar


I just got home from my Tuesday workout. Did total body again. Last week I exhausted myself so this time I scaled it back and didn't do as many exercises but still hit all the major muscles. Now I feel like I didn't work hard enough! The workout was good but I felt like I could have worked a liiiiittle harder. Ah well.

Gym irritant #147 - 60lb barbell on the top of the rack. 20lb barbell on the bottom. Really?  It's not an insane amount of weight, and maybe I'm making too big a deal out of this, but the top of the rack is chest height... it's much easier and SAFER to just deadlift the bar up from the bottom spot on the rack and then start using it for what you need. Picking a bar up from chest height is trickier, for me at least. I did pick it up and went to work on my squats, but it was tricky for me to maneuver it from that  starting height.  Maybe it's easy if you can curl or pull 60 lbs. I sure can't. I guess it just bothers me because it's kind of inconsiderate. The racks are supposed to go lightest to heaviest. Who puts a 20lb barbell on the bottom? Blah.

Here's something I have been working on -

The Burpee Calendar!

The burpee calendar, and random weights in the background

This is a little something I came up to help me be able to do more burpees. I do burpees not only because they're very very good for you, but also because Spartan Race is infamous for their 30 burpee penalties and just making you randomly do burpees while you're at their races. I want to be able to do 30 in a row.

So - every time I do burpees I write down how many I did. The bigger the number, the bigger and crazier I write.
The next time I do burpees, my goal is to do one more than the previous number. Right now I'm up to 23!

This is a great way to see your progress and keep you on track to reaching your burpee goals. And you could use this for any exercise!

When will I reach 30? What is this sheet going to look like once it's filled up? Can I get to some crazy ridiculous number of burpees? Only time will tell!

Taking a break from running

Yes. Sad to say it is so. I'm still struggling with this hamstring issue. Again, not really painful, just tight and limiting the range of motion in my left leg.

My strategy is to take 2 weeks off from running and see if that helps. I'm also icing it a lot and using moist heat when I can. I am foam rolling my lower body a lot to loosen up any tight muscles that might be impacting the lower hamstring. Finally I'm working more on strengthening my legs/lower body. Did a lot of lifting this week plus I spent some time on the hamstring curl machine. Also doing some yoga to take the place of running. I'm stretching the muscle very seldomly and if I do it's gentle stretching.

It's been about a week and I am feeling better but not 100%. I just hope this doesn't flare up again when I do return to running.

My Body Hurts

It's Saturday!

I am not working out today for I am still quite sore from this week's endeavors. Plus we're doing yard work this weekend - that counts as my workout, right?

Monday was a holiday so I didn't go to the gym. I fit in a couple workouts over the long weekend but I mostly spent it relaxing with my husband.

Tuesday I did a great 35 min yoga session from doyogawithme.com. It was a good challenge for how short it was!

Wednesday - because I missed the gym on Monday and I wasn't sure what Crossfit had in store for me, I hit every muscle group - not too intense, but it ended up being a great total body workout that left me feeling like I worked hard.

Thursday - RWB Crossfit! The warm up was enough to get me sweating.

Run 200m
10 Squats
10 Lunges
10 Inchworms - these suck!!!
10 Spidermans


Then we did 5 sets of 5 pull ups. I did almost this EXACT same thing the day before!!! Why did I do that!!! So - I can do pull ups but I tire out quickly and can't get my chin up to the bar after about the 4th pull up. And as I moved on to each set I just got more and more tired. So they had me use a very stretchy resistance band so I could get a better range of motion as I started to tire out.
The WOD was 21-15-9 deadlifts and hand raise push ups (at the bottom of the push up, put your chest on the ground and raise your hands slightly off the ground and pinch your shoulder blades) Ok - I do not do enough deadlifts. I've done them maybe 3 times and that was a month ago. These literally whupped my butt. I couldn't use a very high weight but at least I had good form as I'm familiar with deadlifts.

Team RWB Crossfit - Day 3

And of course we got our post workout group picture! I'm the goofball in the middle!

Everywhere just hurts today. Maybe Wednesday's workout was a mistake because it ended up being way similar to what I did at Crossfit the next day! But you know what, I'll be stronger for it. It's preparing me for the SuperBeast. I do kind of feel like I just ran an obstacle race. Simulating that feeling in training? That's a good thing!