Today I went from feeling like shit to setting a new personal record.
How? Well...
For starters - I slept terribly last night. The worst sleep I've had in a very long time. It was a combination of feeling sick to my stomach + chills (I think I ate some bad food) and really bad girly cramps. I woke up much later than I would have liked to and in a pretty grumpy mood to boot. I downed a few pills to help with the pain, did my morning routine, and pretty much resigned myself to not running today. But after an hour or so I started feeling better and thought "Wait, why can't I run today? What exactly is stopping me?" So I went out and did it. By the time I actually got out there I was feeling pretty good. It was an unusually windy 50 degree day...and running into the wind does royally suck, but I felt good. In fact I felt great in comparison to the morning runs I did last week, where my legs literally felt like lead. A daytime weekend run is so carefree compared to the mornings!
Today's run was - 3.50 miles in 34:06 - a 9:44 pace!
This is huge - my first under 10 minute pace! I have been stuck in what I like to call the "terrible tens" of running, because no matter what I did I could not get under 10 minutes. Today I ran my ASS off - the home stretch of this run was an absolute burnout. I kept telling myself I could NOT let that watch hit 35:00. I felt so good after this run.
Next up... 9:00!
My best EVER time is 9:30. I think it was from 7th or 8th grade. And I'll beat it at 26 years old, and be in the best shape of my life.
Here is what I have learned this week
I think I need to try harder in the mornings. I think where alot of my problems lie is in my head. I tell myself I'm tired, I can't do it, etc. Yes, it does feel 10x more difficult to move my arms and legs at 6am, but alot of this is mental. Exercise is a mental game. You complain, tell yourself you should quit, etc. But really if you just push a *little* harder, you CAN do it. This week I've learned I need to get past the mental block - don't listen to the evil little voice in my head that is telling me I need to stop or rest. The voice that tells me "I've done enough". Don't listen to its lies!!!! It's myself making excuses. Half the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. I have to be aware of my mind - it tries to hold me back.
Today - when that little voice popped into my head, I didn't listen. I kept going. I pushed myself hard. And I claimed victory.
Side note - I signed up for my next 5k
Dog Gone Cold 5k
I'll most likely sign up for another one that's taking place on the prior weekend. Why not, right?
The only person stopping you... is YOU
Posted by
Karen {Run. Lift. Conquer}
on Saturday, December 22, 2012
Great job on getting out there and just doing it!! Congrats on the 9:44 pace too! My goal for next year is to get a sub30 5k and also get a 9 minute mile. We can do this!!
I have the same goal. We'll get it !
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