The Lazy Spartan


I've been so lazy. Not sure if it's cause I have been feeling super busy and like I've got no time on my hands... or if I'm not keen on running in this disgusting heat... or if I'm just downright lazy.

And I'm running Spartan this weekend.

I dunno. I just haven't been super motivated lately.

But you know what... next weekend I'm gonna change that and force my ass back into gear. Get running regularly again. I want to run. It's just been so hard to overcome my urge to sleep in lately.

There's a guy who always comes in to my work, I call him "Spartan Leon". This guy is 60+ and runs a Spartan pretty much every weekend. He volunteers then runs for free and travels all over the place. Today he came in and having the chance to see and talk to him really stepped up my enthusiasm for this weekend. Plus I'll be there with my neighbor and his friends, so I'll have people there to socialize/endure with. I'm excited to be challenged, but also glad it's not 14 miles like NJ was. 9 miles is much more manageable. I'm excited to challenge myself by picking up those men's sandbags and hoisting that men's weight at Hercules. These are my strong points Nervous of the rope climb and traverse wall as always, they are my weak points.

All in all, maybe this Super will be the kick in the ass I need to get myself un-lazyfied again.

STFU, Aroo.


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