Checking in

Well, I haven't had a very active week. I stopped being sore from Spartan Race on Wednesday, but I have had alot of errands to run which has left little time for working out and cooking healthy food. So I'm just going to start fresh Saturday with another trail run/strength training session. Even though I don't really have time to work out today I finally got a chance to cook something from scratch for the first time in forever. Now I'm eating some chicken with black beans, pineapples, onions, jalapeno, cilantro, and lime. It's tasty stuff. The whole husband working at night thing has really deflated my desire to cook but I am trying to get back into it.

Here's a shot of some of the stuff I got from Spartan Race

The shirt on the right is this year's finisher shirt. They went away from the red and black but I like it! The shirt on the left was just too awesome not to get, plus it's a tech shirt. I like my souvenirs :)

I also ended up getting a new Spi belt for running. My old one will be used for mud runs since it's really hard to get the mud 100% out of it. I don't really wanna use a muddy belt 99% of the time.

It's so cute!!!!!

Signing off for now ... later!!


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