My week

This has been a pretty good week here in my world

Had myself a nice rainy run on Sunday morning, followed by breakfast with my husband. Then we shopped for indoor and outdoor plants. We love having greenery around us. We also saw the new 300 movie. It was awesome and had some bad ass chicks in it. I have a total girl crush on the Persian leader chick.

Monday I didn't get a workout in. I ended up having some spare time with my husband which is rare on a weekday, so we just kind of had some cuddle/goofing off time together. Sometimes it's best to just enjoy the little spontaneous moments life gives you, even if they take you off of your "schedule".

I strength trained yesterday and must have done a good job cause I'm sore as hell today. Somehow I worked my inner thighs really well?

Today I decided to do some interval/speed work for my run. I didn't time the sprints, it was more like picking a far away object as my goal and not stopping until I reached it. I'm going to start doing this kind of thing more often.

I'm going to be sore as all hell tomorrow!


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